Shave of the Day Thread - 2017

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Forza Fougere Shave

Razor: Merkur Futur (4)
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock SS (2)
Soap: OSP Fougere Soap (first time)
Brush: TF Synthetic
Post: Alum + Pino Silvestre AS + Pino Silvestre EdT

- I was too scared and tired to try the Micromatic last night. Will do on the weekend.
- Wow. This is a very herbal scented soap and if you like Pino you will like OSP Fougere. Peppery ferns, forrest and furry creatures abound and they pair really well. The soap performance lived up to ALL the hype; it's a fairly hard soap that was easy to lather with great cushion, glide and slickness. I feel refreshed and have a lovely BBS. Fougere is not a daily scent for me but after a very busy week, this hit the spot.
- Another weeperless Futur shave so I am stoked. This razor is now officially the daily driver... it just suits me.
It's a great scent isn't it, you can really smell the vegetation!

Valobra Glycerlanolina soap
Brush: P&C LE Platypus 2017
Soap: Squadron Spitfire
Razor: Gillette Aristocrat #22/66
Blade: Vintage English Gillette Platinum (6)
Post: Myrsol Antesol and Emulsion
Splash: Barrister Reserve Classic

First spin with a Squadron soap. The scent and performance of Spitfire was for me a dead ringer for the unobtanium soap Shave Heaven Vanilla Oak, which I rate highly and still have close to a full tub.
The soap took a little time to load and build a lather, but when it came together, I had plenty in the Platypus for three passes, with a generous amount remaining for final face application.
The lather was very slick and had good glide and residual slickness. The one aspect I felt could be improved upon was cushion, but then again it was my first use, so this may improve when I dial in the lathering.
The blade feel was a little more prominent this time out, and I pulled up after three passes. Even without cleanup, very close to BBS.
Congratulations on a great product, @SchoolForAnts - and even better, it is local (y).
image upload no registration

Soap: Squadron, Spitfire
Brush: Maggards synthetic
Razor: Gem Junior
Blade: Gem (6)
Post Shave: Thayers , Nivea

Another fine shave on a rainy morning
My first time using the Spitfire. Loved the soap, nice lather and good slickness, very happy to have bought it. The scent seemed very sweet in the tin but once I was using it not overly so. I tried the Warden earlier in the week, which I also enjoyed, but if I had to choose one I think I prefer the Spitfire. I really like the tin and the graphics on these soaps.
My first time using the Junior too. Love the look of this razor. It seemed more aggressive than the Featherlite but a close shave with no nicks or weepers. Great audio feedback, I think that is the Bakelite at work.

Have a great day and a great shave​

Musgo Glyce
Doug Korn D7
B&M Cologne Russe
Chatillon Lux Gratiot League Square

Really feeling the Autumn vibe, my favourite season of scents. A nice Saturday number, old favourites.

Enjoy the day and your shaves Gents :penguin:
Broke out the Cella this morning with the Ikon X3 . Remember thinking to myself that this felt like the mildest razor I have ever used, and you would have to be a special type of stupid to cut yourself with this.
The mindset of amature as I knicked my chin on a clean up pass :(

Razor: Rockwell 6S - 3
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium (3)
Brush: Semogue 620
Soap: B&M Cheshire
Post: Witch Hazel, TSW Balm

Shave of the last 3 days.

Just a nice leisurely weekend 2 pass this morning. :happy:

I have been using the Semogue 620 again for the first time since getting the SOC 6 weeks ago. The 620 served me very well, but it’s hard to go back to it after the lovely SOC.

Have a great weekend all!
Broke out the Cella this morning with the Ikon X3 . Remember thinking to myself that this felt like the mildest razor I have ever used, and you would have to be a special type of stupid to cut yourself with this.
The mindset of amature as I knicked my chin on a clean up pass :(
Happens to us all @Adam !! Respect the blade man ;)

Date: 04 March 2017

Brush: - Semogue Special Edition 2012 Badger/Boar knot 24/55mm
Lather: - Stirling Piacenza Shaving Soap
Razor: - Irving Barber Company (IBC) shavette :confused: :coldfeet::jawdrop::cautious::shifty::wideyed::shame:o_O:nailbiting:
Blade: - Feather Artist Club Pro Guard #1
Post Shave: - T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent / Nivea Sensitive Aftershave Splash
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Date: 04 March 2017

Brush: - Semogue Special Edition 2012 Badger/Boar knot 24/55mm
Lather: - Stirling Piacenza Shaving Soap
Razor: - Irving Barber Company (IBC) shavette :confused: :coldfeet::jawdrop::cautious::shifty::wideyed::shame:o_O:nailbiting:
Blade: - Feather Artist Club Pro Guard #1
Post Shave: - T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent / Nivea Sensitive Aftershave Splash
How was the IBC shavette @SpeedyPC ????
@Snooze I was bloody scared shitless :wideyed::confused: the weight feels amazing and the balance is perfect only with my good shave right hand, when changing over to my left hand which is called the non-dominant hand is going to take a while which pretty hard to shave with the non-dominant hand. Couple of minor nicks and cuts on the left side of my face and I thought the ProGuard would minimize those issue, and I was shaving a little bit rough as my weak non-dominant left hand is not as good as my right hand.

However I can tell that Freddy Krueger is smiling at me so much as a smartarse because he loves watching me shaving with my weak non-dominant left hand :shy:, any way Freddy Krueger got me he's not too happy as he wanted to see more blood bath shave next time during my next shave with the IBC with the Feather ProGuard blade.
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SE & Gem Micromatic Cherry Popping Shave

Razor: Gem Micromatic
Blade: Ted Pella Gem SS Single Edge (1)
Soap: K Shave Worx Bumblenuts
Brush: TF Synthetic
Post: Alum + APR General Ledger + Menthol + Cerruti 1881 EdT

- I did it! First, I gave the whole kit a really good clean with rubbing alcohol. I also took out the beautiful old blade and cleaned that a bit too. The razor is in excellent condition for its age and was just very dusty.
- The shave itself was pretty easy but I did get 5 tiny weepers and a small nick due to not knowing the razor enough. All sealed themselves up very quickly. Big burn from the alum so I might have overdone the buffing at the end. A LOVELY razor in all and fairly easy to find the angle. I would not recommend this as your first non-cartridge wet shaver because there is a lot of blade exposure and not much idiot proofing. You could do serious damage here. Kudos goes to PaulHFilm's great video here that helped me so much this morning. Oh, and @Mark1966 who told me all about the right blades to buy.
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Pre-Shave: Cypriotian Olive/Argan Oil soap, cold water
Razor: Wolfman SB-P WRH2 Stainless
Blade: Ladas (2)
Brush: Mühle XL Synthetic
Lather: Australian Private Reserve Lavender Soap Testing
Post-shave: Alum, Stirling Bay Laurel Witch Hazel, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

Fantastic weekend shave today with some sensational lather - picture here and here with some thoughts

The Muhle is certainly the best synthetic brush I have tried so far - certainly no match for my lovely badgers, but a big step up for everything else so far. I highly suspect it is due to the density of the knot - it just feels like a brush and not like a springy soulless cloud.

Enjoy your weekend (y)
What? Well I need to do some QA don't I? First scent of the first batch of APR soap - offical release has been cooked.

Looks like a very Suitably Attired Australian to me :)


If it's any consolation I spent the day hunched over Essential Oils, absolute powders, beakers, pestle and mortars and absolutes with my digital scales running hot. 5 hours later, 2 analgesics and a brace of a decent malt I am almost human again.

Glamorous bloody gig isn't it :D

Pre-Shave: Cypriotian Olive/Argan Oil soap, cold water
Razor: Wolfman SB-P WRH2 Stainless
Blade: Ladas (2)
Brush: Mühle XL Synthetic
Lather: Australian Private Reserve Lavender Soap Testing
Post-shave: Alum, Stirling Bay Laurel Witch Hazel, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

Fantastic weekend shave today with some sensational lather - picture here and here with some thoughts

The Muhle is certainly the best synthetic brush I have tried so far - certainly no match for my lovely badgers, but a big step up for everything else so far. I highly suspect it is due to the density of the knot - it just feels like a brush and not like a springy soulless cloud.

Enjoy your weekend (y)

Ridiculously Euro 'A' list uber kit aside, that's a cracking photo mate :)

Thanks. Tony has done a bang up job too. This was one of his first.

You know this knot is a paultry 18mm. Yet, it sits very happily in rotation with some world class knots from 24 through to 30mm. I don't know what it is about it, but when the rotation brings it up, I'm more than happy to grab it.
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