Shave of the Day Thread - 2018

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May 1, 2018 - Tuesday


Prep: Shower, Stirling Sandpiper
Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts Custom Pastel "Pheehive" - 26mm Elite Manchurian Fan
Razor: Razorock Game Changer Head x Marley Machine Works "Fatty" Aluminum Handle
Blade: Permasharp (2)
Lather: Chatillon Lux/Tallow + Steel - Vide Poche - Soap
Post Shave: Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche - Aftershave
Fragrance: Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche - Eau De Parfum

Had to roll out Vide Poche for this 80°F day. Except I'll be in the office all day and won't be able to enjoy the weather :nailbiting::nailbiting:
Pre Shave: Warm water , Proraso Pre Shave.
Razor: Feather AS-D2.
Blade: Feather
Bowl: From the kitchen.
Brush: Muhle silvertip badger.
Soap: Proraso Green .
Post: Proraso Green Balm.

Lent my Feather AS-D2 to my son. I suspect this could be my last shave with it. :facepalm: Now, what to replace it with?:sneaky:
Razor: Gillette Excel handle
Blade: OEM Excel twin blade cart (?)
Brush: Muhle synthetic traveling brush
Soap/Cream: D R Harris Windsor shaving soap stick
Aftershave: Australian Private Reserve (APR) 'TB' splash

Different hotel, same kit

Pre: jojoba oil
Progress w/Feather
TurnNshave boss knot synth
Washpool Farms - Lanolin unscented
Anherb balm

Had a bit more growth today due to an extra mild shave yesterday so went with the feather (2nd shave). Lovely BBS but again, the skin feels a little raw.

Washpool lanolin is not scented but the smell of the lanolin is so strong and earthy that it seems it's the actual scent. I just love it!

The soap formula is fantastic! Probably the richest, most fatty lather of any soap I have!!

Brush: maggard synth
Razor: 6s(4)
Blade:astra stainless(1)
Post: apr winterfall edp .
Nice easy shave. Thanks to @Ferret619 for the blades. I can't use astra green they are just not sharp enough so tried these blades with no expectations.on the third blade now and they are really good smooth and sharp, quite a nice surprise.

Semogue, MWF, Edwin Jagger, Nacet, Witch Hazel, Nivea, Old Spice Musk
My daughters birthday present arrived last week and on Sunday she needed to shave her legs,so I gave it to her early.She was very happy and I started her with a Derby in it and she did a great job with only two very small nicks.She loves the EJ.
So today was first shave since Sunday,and of course I had to test out that brand new pretty shiny razor.This was my first shave with a modern DE except for the Mingshi,and I enjoyed every bit of it.I honestly was impressed with how easy it took off the few days growth with the first pass and on second went XTG cheeks,ATG throat area and the chin was where I was really impressed.First pass took so much less work than usual,the second was just buffing mainly.I didn't need it but I lathered again and went for a third pass just for the sake of it.ATG all over except for chin and top lip where I went XTG for the first time ever. Razor handled well and easy to maneuvre,but the handle was noticeably slippery when wet,so I just dried it and no drama.Long handle at 92mm,I actually had no trouble using it and it is designed for the womens market,the length supposedly making it easier to "reach difficult areas". Pretty sure the head is a DE 89 from what I can tell.Nice razor,nice shave.


Pre-Shave: SebaMed, cold water
Razor: Feather AS-D2
Blade: Feather (1)
Brush: Morris & Forndran Tigris
Lather: Mike's Orange, Cedarwood, & Black Pepper
Post-Shave: Alum, Thayers Original Alcohol Free Witch Hazel, Australian Emu Oil​

Very nice and smooth shave although my face was still a bit raw from my last encounter with a blade. This brush has a ton of backbone with super soft tips and whipped up an amazing Mike's lather.

I hope you all have a wicked Wednesday (y)
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Brush: Muhle silvertip badger
Razor: Rockwell 6S (R6)
Blade: Astra Green (1)
Bowl: From the kitchen
Soap: APR Coolabah
Post: Alum,Thayers Witch Hazel & Rose Petal.

Used plate 6 for the first time. Two passes then final touch up, achieved BBS shave. (y)
Brush: Vulfix 28 Boar
Razor: Taylor's Eye Witness 6/8
Soap: Valobra Menthol
A/S: Pinaud Citrus Musk

First straight shave in over 4 years. Ears and nose still intact. No Glasgow grin and a nice, socially acceptable shave in 2 passes.
Left hand has lost its ability and my upper lip is certainly not ideal but still very happy nonetheless.
Now to figure out how to use a straight when the kids aren't asleep.
Razor: Vintage Gillette British NEW head on a Weber classic handle
Blade: Polsilver 'Brown' (6)
Brush: Vintage butterscotch distressed Culmak reknotted with TGN finest
Soap/Cream: Henri et Victoria Cognac and Cuban Cigars shaving soap
Aftershave: Henri et Victoria Cognac and Cuban Cigars splash
Balm: Henri et Victoria Cognac and Cuban Cigars balm
Fragrance: Henri et Victoria Cognac and Cuban Cigars EDP

Oh yeah, plain, simple, but a lovely scent this one - perfect for the cooler weather :)


Prep: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Semogue Owners Club Boar
Soap: Dr Dittmar Spezial
Razor: Parker Variant
Blade: NOS Polsilver (3)
Post: Thayers Superhazel / Myrsol Emulsion
Scent: Caron Yatagan

Third and final shave with the Parker before it wings its way to the next User. I used a range of settings in this shave, running the first two passes (WTG, XTG) on setting 4, then the final pass ATG on setting 2. I then went in for a full clean-up/buff on the same setting. The result was BBS.
I find the Dr Dittmar soap very comforting, and as the weather is cooling down a little in my neck of the woods, I treated myself to a scuttle shave with lovely warm lather. Despite being a vegetable-based soap, the Dr Dittmar is surprisingly thirsty, but the reward of patience is beautiful creamy lather with a soft clean scent. Cushioning and glide are very good, with fair residual slickness.
Been having some minor skin problems (non-shaving), so I spashed on the medicated Thayers Superhazel post-shave, followed a few minutes later by my usual Myrsol Emulsion. Lovely face feel now. :D
Finished with the oakmoss King - Yatagan. The powerhouse of the Caron triumvirate, I have grown to love this 70's classic. Power yet restraint - Caron do a wonderful job with their scents.

Pre: Pb Pre Shave Emulsion
Soap: e Shave shave cream
Brush: Vie Long Horse Badger
Razor: Gillette 109
Blade: Vintage Polsilver (2) compliments of @borked
Post: Jojoba Oil
Found an easy target for the finished products. Shouldn't take too much to clean up the e Shave. Can't believe I paid $36 for it. It's a very nice shave cream, I prefer it over say the Nivea, but compared to the soaps I currently use it's not good value.
Vintage polsilver performs very nicely but can't detect noticeable difference between the more modern Polsilvers, certainly not enough to pay the asking prices of first eBay listing that came up for vintage Polsilvers ($22/10 blades).

Semogue Boar, Haslinger Ringelblumen, Bengall, Witch Hazel, Nivea, Viet Cheap'n'Smelly
Managed a to get a great lather from the Haslinger today,and with the Bengall being nice and sharp had an excellent smooth shave.Two passes with the obligatory chin touch ups,two small nicks but they were from bringing the blade in too quick,otherwise a comfortable and close result.

  1. Preshave: Shiner Gold
  2. Blade:Astra Superior Platinum
  3. Razor: Timeless bronze SB
  4. Soap: Mama Bear's Ylang Ylang
  5. Brush: Omega Boar
  6. Postshave: RazoRock Don Marco
  7. Earworm: The Elements - Tom Lehrer
Decent shave today, although having that song stuck in my head was driving me crazy. Not the biggest fan of the scent of this soap, but with a stiff brush, a good load and plenty of water, I am able to build a very good lather. All in all a DFS
Pre: jojoba oil
Progress XL w/Polsilver
EJ silvertip fibre XL v1
Tiki - Cabernet Neroli
Anherb balm

This scent blows me away!! It's absolutely beautiful and very unique (like the uniqueness of calani oriental plum).

I had an ingrown bump today after the feather blade yesterday! My skin really hates feathers!!

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