Shave of the Day Thread - 2018

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Progress XL @4 w/Polsilver
Frank Shaving Silvertip Fibre 28mm
B&M Latha lavenda
Anherb balm

Holy crap this brush is amazing!
It's no secret I love my muhle silvertip fibre brushes (v1 and v2) and FS uses the same fibres but the construction is totally different.

It's a 28mm knot at 50mm loft...yup, it's a "chubby" silvertip fibre. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!

Loved the pure, robust lavender note from the Latha.

Brush: Omega 22mm
Razor: Magard V3A + MR1
Blade: Astra Green (1)
Scuttle/Bowl/Mug: Proraso lather bowl
Soap: Proraso white cream
Post: PAA Atomic travel after shave + Joop Go balm

A simple, comfortable, satisfactory DFS with the travel gear... Have a great evening! :sleep:
Pre-shave: Proraso white, Warm water
Brush: Razorock 24mm Silvertip Synthetic
Soap/Cream: B&M Reserve Spice
Razor: Rockwell 6c (R1)
Blade: Astra SP (1)
Post-shave: Alum,Thayers Witch Hazel- Cucumber with Tea Tree Oil, L'Oreal Aftershave moisturiser

A nice mild (maybe too mild) 3 pass shave, left a bit of stubble behind I will try the R2 next and see how that goes.

Prep: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: M&F / Brad Forbes Finest Badger
Soap: CRSW Glide Barbiere Sapone
Razor: Merkur Futur (2)
Blade: Vintage NOS Wilkinson Sword Light Brigade (2)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel / CRSW Moisturising Aftershave Lotion
Scent: Alvarez Gomez Barberia EdC

Second shave with the Wilkie Light Brigade blade - still coming to terms with such a sharp blade. It clearly demands absolutely minimal pressure.
Three passes for a BBS result. Most impressed with the first use of the CRSW Glide soap. I had haboured concerns that it may be a difficult soap to lather, as I'd read that it needed patience and significant hydration. I found it pretty user-friendly; very slick, and a delightful scent. I was wracking my brains and olfactory sensors to recall what this soap's scent reminded me of - it finally came to me. At least from my perspective, it comes across as a slightly classier version of Sir Irisch Moos - which in my book is very much a compliment.
Also impressed with the CRSW alcohol-free aftershave lotion - very soothing and a very nice subtle barbershop scent.

Brush: Proraso (Omega)
Head: Headblade Ghost
Face: Blackland Dart
Blade: Gillette Nacet (1)
Scuttle/Bowl/Mug: Fine lather bowl
Soap: Pb MnM sample
Pre: Pb Pre Shave Emulsion
Post: Thayers Witch Hazel Aloe & Lemon + Australian Lemon & Tea Tree Cream

A fantastic pre-work shave with some gear from @Pbgoose - First impressions are awesome. MnM is a pleasant scent and lathered up a treat. Lots of slickness for the noggin/face allowing the Dart to glide with no irritation. 2 x quick passes and minor touch up = DFS :) Pre-shave was lovely and the skin feels great post shave. Winner winner chicken dinner! Thanks again @Pbgoose and look forward to trying the other sample's soon... Happy shaves (y)
Pre - Hot shower
Brush - Razorock Big Bruce
Soap - Abbie & Grace Lavender
Razor - Rockwell 6S (4)
Blade - Gillette Nacet (2)
Post - Stirling Bergamot Lavender/Nivea Sensitive balm

Went a little Genghis Kahn with the 4 plate again today and needed the Nivea balm to settle things down. Its a top product for me. Think i'll dial it back for a few days though...

  1. Preshave: Cyril R Salter - Lavender
  2. Blade: Astra Superior Platinum
  3. Razor: Charcoal Goods, Magnum Handle, LVL 3 baseplate OC
  4. Soap: Stubble Trouble - Rhymes with Orange
  5. Brush: Simpsons, Tulip 3, Manchurian
  6. Postshave: Jojoba oil
  7. Earworm: Lit up - The National
Lovely orangey, cushiony, slick lather this morning. Two passes with the lvl 3 and no nicks. Happy days.
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