Shave of the Day Thread - 2018

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One blade/One Razor/One soap in February - Shave #26
Brush: RR 400
Razor: Rockwell 6S (R4)
Blade: Derby

Scuttle/Bowl/Mug: Fine Lather Bowl
Soap: RR xXx
Post: Shower / Witch Hazel + Barber Shoppe balm

Shave #26 with the Derby and to say I'm glad the challenge is finally over is an understatement. Looking back on the experience I have learned to appreciate variety as limiting one's self to only one blade/soap/etc is too reminiscent of cartridge shaving which we all know sucks! Saying that, I thoroughly enjoyed the RR soap, brush, lathering bowls and the Rockwell 6S is a winner in all departments. As for the blade - my first experience with a Derby and up to shave 10/12 it was performing great. In the future I will limit shaving to every second day and in the process extend the life of the blade. Congrats to my fellow challengers and bring on March as I'm itching to try something different! Happy shaves (y) #blade_of_glory

Pre-Shave: SebaMed, cold water
Razor: Feather AS-D2
Blade: Ladas (1)
Brush: Tony Forsyth Platypus Prototype Bob Quinn Manchurian
Lather: c Water Bergamot, Cedarwood & Juniper
Post-Shave: Alum, Stirling Bay Laurel Witch Hazel, Australian Emu Oil​

Getting to know my new AS-D2 part 3 - today with a Ladas blade. First I got things going with some stellar Mystic Water lather produced by the beautiful Platypus turned by @Tony Forsyth.

The shave itself was very easy and smooth. I didn't get any irritations as with a Voskhod blade, but the shave wasn't as close as with a Feather blade. So I conclude that this razor really shines with a Feather (as has been reported by many others) - I guess I now need a stash of those. Maybe book in a holiday to Thailand as an excuse to get some blades at a good price :) :) :)

I hope you all have a wicked Wednesday (y)
Maybe that blade was to old, about the 4th run. I got a few weeping bleeds from that. Does that happen as a blade gets dull? Or was it just a technique issue?
Your large image distracted everyone from what you wrote :p.

I think there could be a lot of factors, skin condition, skin prep, quality of lather, technique, etc. 4 shaves doesn't sound like a lot for a feather so I wouldn't suspect the blade, though it could also be a dud blade, something I'm sure happens to all brands.
4 is more than enough for a feather they are 2 shaves max for me, as sharp as they are they dull well as variables in prep etc the weepers are possibly caused from subconsciously adding more pressure to compensate for the dull blade.
Second this and will add the blade edge on a feather is double chamfered so sharper and thinner. This causes a quicker degradation compared to other manufacturers.
Getting a balance between sharpness, flexibility and durability is the object of the game.
Hence why polsilvers is the choice for many.
I for one at the moment love Dorco ST301. Beautifully sharp and really smooth (YMMV) but longevity is not there either. Bang for buck, very good.
Exactly the same as feather. In away, poor man's feather :whistle:
Second this and will add the blade edge on a feather is double chamfered so sharper and thinner. This causes a quicker degradation compared to other manufacturers.
Getting a balance between sharpness, flexibility and durability is the object of the game.
Hence why polsilvers is the choice for many.
I for one at the moment love Dorco ST301. Beautifully sharp and really smooth (YMMV) but longevity is not there either. Bang for buck, very good.
Exactly the same as feather. In away, poor man's feather :whistle:
Gonna test that theory. Just bought 100. They are cheap!

Pre: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Castle Forbes pre-shave gel
Brush: DR Harris H3 Best Badger
Soap: Phoenix & Beau Spitfire
Razor: ATT SE1 Kronos
Blade: Schick Proline P-30
Post: Myrsol Emulsion
EdT: GFT Spanish Leather

As Martin Tyler would say - "A screamer!" (in the best possible way). First shave with the newly arrived ATT SE1. Super efficient - I was almost done after 2 passes, and BBS after 3.
I have been using mild razors for the last fortnight (AS-D2 and ATT S1), so despite my best efforts, I probably applied a little more pressure than required. However, only very mild skin feel, and a blissful post shave.
Brought out the P&B Spitfire to honour @Kerry@Phoenix&Beau 's second anniversary. Lovely lather; great performance and scent. The GFT Spanish Leather fragrance, juxtaposed with the P&B Spitfire soap scent, provided a fascinating contrast of the dirty leather of the latter against the pristine cleanliness of the former.
And a big shout-out to the very generous @Greenpike for PIF'ing me some blades whilst I await my order (also Schick Proline P-30's).
One blade/One Razor/One soap in February - Shave #11

Schick Krona-Chrome 1967
Schick Krona
LaToja Shave Stick
Aqua Velva Ice Blue

Smooth shave, I think I'm starting to get hold of it... loll The blade is currently in a sweet spot and gives me comfortable shaves, so even thought February is over, l'll see how far it can get with my coarse beard. I'd like to at least beat my personal best of 13 shaves which dates from June 2013!

Note: Bradbury deserved that Gold for perseverance. (y)

One blade/One Razor/One soap in February - Shave #26
Brush: RR 400
Razor: Rockwell 6S (R4)
Blade: Derby

Scuttle/Bowl/Mug: Fine Lather Bowl
Soap: RR xXx
Post: Shower / Witch Hazel + Barber Shoppe balm

Shave #26 with the Derby and to say I'm glad the challenge is finally over is an understatement. Looking back on the experience I have learned to appreciate variety as limiting one's self to only one blade/soap/etc is too reminiscent of cartridge shaving which we all know sucks! Saying that, I thoroughly enjoyed the RR soap, brush, lathering bowls and the Rockwell 6S is a winner in all departments. As for the blade - my first experience with a Derby and up to shave 10/12 it was performing great. In the future I will limit shaving to every second day and in the process extend the life of the blade. Congrats to my fellow challengers and bring on March as I'm itching to try something different! Happy shaves (y) #blade_of_glory
Razor: Parker Variant Adjustable (2)
Blade: Vintage Gillette Super Stainless blade (8)
Brush: Shavemac DO1 Americana shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Lightning Ridge Shave Soap
Aftershave: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Lightning Ridge Aftershave
Fragrance: Australian Private Reserve (APR) Lightning Ridge EDP

Last gasp, summer is still here, fantasy shave ...
Brush: PAA Atomic Rocket
Razor: Timeless Bronze OC 0.78mm
Blade: Astra

Scuttle/Bowl/Mug: Fine Lather Bowl
Pre: PAA Cube
Soap: Caties Bubbles Irish Coffee
Post: Shower / Alum / Witch Hazel + Suavecito Menthol Vanishing Creme

First shave of the month with the Timeless Bronze OC and well worth the wait. A 2 pass BBS with a few nicks which I attribute to my last month shaving with the 6S. A tad aggressive with more blade feel than the Bronze SB but still super smooth and very efficient. A few criticism's from me would be lack of rinsing channels as I'm never sure whether there's soap built up between shaves and the bronze finish is quickly developing spots of what I only hope is tarnish, under the cap, on the scalloped head and along the handle :confused: Happy shaves!
Soap: Mondial Florence
Brush: 1305
Razor: Parker 34R
Blade: Polsilver
Post: Witch Hazel,Nivea Men.

Managed to get a nice lather today,DFS for single pass with the Parker.Not going anywhere today so no need for more than one pass or any smelly stuff,no need to shave really but I did.Because I can.
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