Shave of the Day Thread - 2022

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RAZOR: Gillette ’46 Milord
BLADE: Gillette‌ 7 O'clock SharpEdgeYellow
BRUSH: AP Shave Co. 24mm G5C Synthetic
LATHER: LEA Classic Shaving Cream
POST: LEA Classic After Shave Lotion

Pre-shave: Hot flannel, Pears soap
Brush: CaYuen "Copper Ore" 30mm DSCosmetic G7
Soap: DRH - Windsor
Razor: Timeless 95
Blade: Gillette Minora
Post-shave: Shower, homebrew moisturiser
COTD: Shakisso Estate, Ethiopia

This was my first shave with the Minora, a blade that has received a whole lot of love on this forum. And it's certainly a great quality blade, sharp and super-smooth, that gave me a perfect DBS. I just felt it to be a bit subdued, almost like there was no blade there at all. If I had known about it when I still had my R41, the course of history might have been totally different. If I could ever persuade Mme G to give up those plastic ladyshave thingies, she might appreciate it. (I would give her a Leaf, but I'm certain she would take that as a slight on the hairiness of her legs.)

Out of curiosity, I did a comparison of dimensions between the Minora and my favourite Gillette 7 O'C Yellow (mm)
edge-to edge: Minora 21.97 Yellow 22.01
thickness: Minora 0.10 Yellow 0.13
So both of those would make for a difference in edge exposure.
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Phoenix & Beau Spitfire shaving soap
Razor: Charcoal Goods Generation 1 Level 2 solid brass Paste & Cut razor
Blade: Polsilver 'Brown' (3)
Post-shave: Phoenix & Beau Spitfire balm
Fragrance: Phoenix & Beau Spitfire Solid Cologne

While the weather is weird, the shaves are GOOD !


RAZOR: RAZOR: Yates 921-H Brushed Brass
BLADE: Gillette‌ 7 O'clock SharpEdgeYellow
BRUSH: AP Shave Co. 24mm Synbad Fan Synthetic
LATHER: Declaration Grooming Fake Yellow Light Shave Soap
POST: Declaration Grooming Fake Yellow Light Aftershave Splash

Great pic!

Depressing quote in your profile - let's work to make that not happen, but know that it is the natural tendency ...


I'm in Canberra, I'm here to help

Pre-shave: Hot flannel, Pears soap
Brush: Troycraft "Opalesque" 28mm AP G5C
Soap: Valobra + a drop of rose EO 3%
Razor: Timeless 95
Blade: German Wilkie
Post-shave: Shower, Thayer's witch hazel w/- cucumber, homebrew moisturiser, La Roche-Posay Anthelios SPF50+
COTD: Shakisso Estate, Ethiopia

The last time I used a Wilkinson Sword blade was sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, and I think those might have been British. Back then everyone just used whatever they could get from the chemist, there was no internet that we'd recognise now. My memory is fuzzy of course, but I don't remember those being as stiff as these German blades. The Germans are a fantastic combo with the Timeless, and I think I'll just stay with this setup for the rest of the week. (y)

Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Razorock BC Silvertip Plisson
Soap: George Trumper Spanish Leather
Razor: Le Grelot P. Hospital ‘Royal Canada’ 5/8
Strop: DCBlades Roo/Cotton
Touch up: Aluminium Lupo/Nacet
Post-shave: Osma Alum block, Fine Accroutrements Italian Citrus, Armaf ‘Club de Nuit’
I purchased this razor from and passed it to Dion at DCBlades for a hone; it's a fantastic shaver, sharp but smooth.
I would say that this is the best straight shave I've had in my limited experience, even managed to get all of my chin and most
of my top and bottom lips. Could have left the Lupo out of the equation but why stop at 99% of the job done.
My first use of the Fine splashes from Vshod; I'm accustomed to the alcohol sting of Pinaud so the subtle menthol hit is new to
me but I like it. I had a bad morning, taking a small tumble off my bicycle and losing a bit of bark but I'm feeling pretty chipper after a nice shower to
clean up the damage to my legs plus a nice clean shave. Super!
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I had a bad morning, taking a small tumble off my bicycle and losing a bit of bark but I'm feeling pretty chipper after a nice shower to
clean up the damage to my legs plus a nice clean shave. Super!
Who would have thunk the humble bicycle could be such a death trap? I've lost count of how many bingles I've had, nearly all of them in Perth. Anyone who's lived there will know you spend a lot of time on the roads facing directly into the sun, not a good recipe for safety...

RAZOR: RAZOR: Yates 921-H Brushed Brass
BLADE: Gillette‌ 7 O'clock SharpEdgeYellow
BRUSH: AP Shave Co. 24mm Synbad Fan Synthetic
LATHER: Declaration Grooming Fake Yellow Light Shave Soap
POST: Declaration Grooming Fake Yellow Light Aftershave Splash
I second the “great pic”. How did you get the smooth background?
Adelaide for a few days growing a goatee because had to resort to my old man's cartridge razor. Made me appreciate wet shaving all the more because it felt like shaving with corrugated cardboard.
Must post a few DE blades because I tend to travel with carry on only these days and they wont ley me take a straight or blades
This OCtober shave before departing:

and continuing OCtober with SOTD

Pre-shave:- Shower
Brush:- Blue Devil - Doral (Native Olive) handle with 26mm G5C knot from AP Shave Co
Soap/Aftershave:- Reef Point Soaps - Command Presence
Razor:- Wolfman WR1 OC with WR2 Handle
Blade:- Wizamet Super Iridium (6)
Bowl:- Fine Accoutrements Grey Stoneware Lathering Bowl
Adelaide for a few days growing a goatee because had to resort to my old man's cartridge razor. Made me appreciate wet shaving all the more because it felt like shaving with corrugated cardboard.
Must post a few DE blades because I tend to travel with carry on only these days and they wont ley me take a straight or blades
This OCtober shave before departing:

and continuing OCtober with SOTD

Pre-shave:- Shower
Brush:- Blue Devil - Doral (Native Olive) handle with 26mm G5C knot from AP Shave Co
Soap/Aftershave:- Reef Point Soaps - Command Presence
Razor:- Wolfman WR1 OC with WR2 Handle
Blade:- Wizamet Super Iridium (6)
Bowl:- Fine Accoutrements Grey Stoneware Lathering Bowl
Or, next time you head to Adelaide, let me know and I'll supply you with a few blades for your time here.
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Culmak shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Klar Seifen shaving soap
Razor: Charcoal Goods Generation 1 Level 2 solid brass Paste & Cut razor
Blade: Polsilver 'Brown' (4)
Post-shave: Bootlegger's El Dorado splash
Fragrance: N/A

Simple, nice

Who would have thunk the humble bicycle could be such a death trap? I've lost count of how many bingles I've had, nearly all of them in Perth. Anyone who's lived there will know you spend a lot of time on the roads facing directly into the sun, not a good recipe for safety...


Pre-shave: Hot flannel, Pears soap
Brush: Troycraft "Opalesque" 28mm AP G5C
Soap: Valobra + a drop of rose EO 3%
Razor: Timeless 95
Blade: German Wilkie
Post-shave: Shower, Thayer's witch hazel w/- cucumber, homebrew moisturiser, La Roche-Posay Anthelios SPF50+
COTD: Shakisso Estate, Ethiopia

The last time I used a Wilkinson Sword blade was sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, and I think those might have been British. Back then everyone just used whatever they could get from the chemist, there was no internet that we'd recognise now. My memory is fuzzy of course, but I don't remember those being as stiff as these German blades. The Germans are a fantastic combo with the Timeless, and I think I'll just stay with this setup for the rest of the week. (y)

these German Wilkies are a fantastic blade, they also stay sharp a bit longer than other DE blades
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