- Yaqi Remus
- Feather Professional
- DSCosmetic Ice Blue A2S brush
- Spearhead Seaforth Black Watch
Finally can do away with the AC blade of Chinese origin and try this out with the MIJ Feather Professional. Only slightly smoother than the blade it came with, but I think this will improve with time. It's an interesting sensation shaving with the Remus. Head has almost no weight, and it feels like you're shaving with one of those mini zen sand garden rakes. Mild smooth shave with some tugging on the more hairier parts of my face, but I think that's more to do with the weight than the razor than any flaw. Good shave. Makes me want to explore more AC single edge razors, though I have to be mindful that these blades cost a significant more than regular DE blades. Will have to see how many shaves this one will last.