Morris & Forndran

Absolutely - even for myself :D :D :D
It makes it more exciting IMO on both sides. I can proudly show it off when I receive it and there is no prior expectations from anyone. Likewise I like to be surprised and get the real wow factor when someone posts up pictures of the brush that they receive.

Bottom line is this. Having the ability to make choices and selections in this instance is fantastic but even if I was only able to choose the knot size itself and ordered the brush completely blind with no choice of handle, rod, knot etc. I know that I am going to be absolutely thrilled when I receive it.
Update from Brad on facebook - tldr = prices going up on some brushes ($10 on the 2xl, $35 on the 2 resin 2xl for example by the looks)

"As an update to last night's "suspension" posting, Nancy, my wife/accountant, and I (along with Morris & Forndran's encouragement) just completed a brief but intense time & motion study to (hopefully!) increase "production" efficiencies. Part of that effort included a detailed cost analysis in which we re-examined the cost components that go into hand-crafting every shaving brush in our catalog. Interestingly, the cost study showed that while the BSSW-pattern brushes were priced fairly, it also pointed out that we were losing money to varying degrees on most of the M&F brushes. It showed that we were, in effect. offering an unplanned, unadvertised "introductory sale."

Surprisingly, the largest losses resulted from brushes with "multi-resin" handles--like two-color 2XL's--where three pieces of resin are precisely hand-fit and glued together. These findings, along with a rapidly increasing backlog that put us farther behind each day, led to the difficult decision to temporarily suspend the order process so that we could "stop the bleeding" and catch up on the backlog.

The bottom line is that we will be adjusting prices on some of the Morris & Forndran brushes today so everyone will be able to plan their acquisitions for when we re-open the website to new orders.

As we said last night, we plan to continue to provide periodic updates to keep everyone informed.

Thank you all for your support, patronage and patience!"
It is refreshing that they are being reasonable with prices. Fact is, with that much demand, and so little supply they could up the prices significantly to the point where demand matches supply and they would be far better off financially!

I applaud their lack of greed which is so rare these days.
@Korbz what's brads facebook account? Would like to follow along.
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@Sxot thanks I am failing at the forgetting I ordered part [emoji28]
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It is refreshing that they are being reasonable with prices. Fact is, with that much demand, and so little supply they could up the prices significantly to the point where demand matches supply and they would be far better off financially!

I applaud their lack of greed which is so rare these days.
Reading Brad's posts online it appears he may soon look at pricing as a way of controlling demand. In no way am I making a judgement on this, in fact I'm surprised that he (and other artisans) haven't already done this. Brad, and many others, could easily charge far more for their products and still have a never ending demand. Instead they have been charging what they deem fair.
Reading Brad's posts online it appears he may soon look at pricing as a way of controlling demand. In no way am I making a judgement on this, in fact I'm surprised that he (and other artisans) haven't already done this. Brad, and many others, could easily charge far more for their products and still have a never ending demand. Instead they have been charging what they deem fair.

I definitely see a price increase on the cards in the very near future particularly given he has taken 1400 or so orders of at least one brush. The price points for the M&F and Brads own brushes on the relaunch was really cheap given the pedigree and quality of the handles and the knots used.

What we will see too I think a few months from now is a thriving secondary market of people selling and trading the new release M&F and also custom brushes. I'm looking forward to it actually, as while I may not buy any of them I will enjoy seeing the designs and customisation people requested initially and then after a few months decided that they did not want to keep the brush for whatever reason.
I think the one in the jade handle was a M&F finest that was a return from a customer. I find this a bit hard to fathom myself. Such a gorgeous looking brush!

Jade? Must be looking at a different page - or it has been removed because there is no Jade handle that I can see.
Regardless, if you buy one and want a M&F knot, double check to see it is before buying is all I am saying. I expect there will be the odd M&F turn up from time to time as people find themselves unable to pay or have changed their mind after a four month wait.
I saw a few different ones a couple of nights ago. If only I wasn't on the list.
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You could probably have sold your spot to someone here :)

Not really. Unless someone wants the exact same brush I bought
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