Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

Used another vintage blade. Gillette this time - very nice - smooth and sharp. Also kept my Occams samples to try at a later time.

The box is all set to ship. Will send to Lifes a Peach mid week. I've added several goodies:

7 lots of Simpsons Peppermint and Rosemary Luxury Shaving Cream and a small bottle of Myrsol Agua Balsamica. I also added a sample bottle of Ogallala Bay Rum Lime and Peppercorn. This has a great scent and is very popular on the forums. While I really like Bay Rum in various forms, there is something in this one that makes my skin react. Every time I've used it, my face goes numb and feels like it is swelling up. It's not a typical 'burn' but more like a major allergic reaction. The other Ogallala varieties don't seem to have the same effect. Hopefully someone else can enjoy it

Thanks once again Mark for setting this up. Hopefully you'll get something nice on the box's return journey to you.
Nice additions, mate. The Ogallala original (and maybe the lime as well?) was in the first Travelling Box and quite popular, so it'll be good for those coming up to have a crack at that. Glad that you get on okay with the other variations, as it's a really nice bay rum and seemed pretty good for the skin. Well worth a try for anyone coming up.

How do you like the Myrsol? I've often been tempted by the Emulsion.
WOW - great additions! Thanks mate - hope you have taken enough to compensate!
The Myrsol stuff is great. My favourites are Antesol and the Emulsion. Formula C and Agua Balsamica also very good. Haven't tried anything else.
So lucky to be the next one on the list. Ogallala Bay Rum, and any Simpsons Luxury creams have been on my wish list.
Keen to experience the P160, which is a bonus too. Hopefully it lives up to the hype.

Thanks @possumbelly
I kept a dribble of the floid which I tried this week. This stuff is definitely not for me. The strong smell of talc reminded me of the very elderly for some reason. Don't get me wrong, I'm no youngster but something about the smell just didn't work out for me.
Great stuff - looking for more reviews and comments :)
Great stuff - looking for more reviews and comments :)

I'll be posting some reviews tomorrow. Shaving on weekends is taboo for me.
I can't stop myself taking whiffs of the Bay Rum samples.

There's an unmarked plastic container of something that looks like butter. My hunch is unrefined shea butter. Am I right?
... There's an unmarked plastic container of something that looks like butter. My hunch is unrefined shea butter. Am I right?

Doesn't ring a bell for me - might be an addition on the road.

Doesn't ring a bell for me - might be an addition on the road.


Hmmm, no idea.

Smell? Type of container?
Some kind of floral smell. Small generic plastic container.
