Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

And you people think I am weird :)
Hey don't behind me, you're out there on your own GT. o_O
…a valid call on my behalf for anyone that's as old as me and ever tried surfing. I'm talking about the Zog's reference BTW and not the hipped, tripped and flipped head-space
OK well that looks like the sort of container I used - but I thought they were all labelled ...
I think it might be the last of my TOBS sandalwood cream, but flowery isn't how I would explain the scent.
This morning marked my first shave with the goodies contained in the Travelling Box. It threw up some surprises. The Pureman OC will be used exclusively next week so apart from my brushes and Weber, I will use only box items for the next 2 weeks.

Prepping my 3-day growth with Occams Crushed Lime Pre-Shave Soap was probably a waste. I should have waited until at least tomorrow when my shorter stubble needs every bit of help. The scent is fresh and quite appealing and it's easy to apply. Anything to help razor glide and minimise irritation is quite welcome. I can see myself buying a full bar if this works out. The next few days should tell the story.

The Razorock P160 was the most anticipated item in the box but in all honesty it did not live up to the hype. The lather and scent were okayish, slickness was top notch, but the buzz generated in the forums had me expecting so much more. All of my other Razorock creams produce good lathers so perhaps I didn't load enough product on the brush? May be user error so I will try again next week.

The Vintage Schick blade was the big surprise. It cut through my course stubble with ease. This was my very first shave with a vintage blade, ever, and I was extremely impressed. No nicks or cuts, very smooth and no post shave irritation. Wow, I can see why you guys dig the vintage stuff! WTG, XTG, ATG was smooth and close. So close I could have gotten away with a 1-pass shave. This blade will become my daily to see how many shaves I can get out of it..

Finished off the shave with the usual hot-cold rinse and applied the Thayers Lavender Witch Hazel. Quite pleasant but with no post shave irritation it was probably more a condiment rather than a practical application. Rounded it up with some Pinaud Clubman Virgin Islands Bay Rum. My face was met with a pleasant warm feeling. The scent is spicy, sweet and masculine. I love it! Definitely one to add to my acquisition list.

Let me finish off today's review by thanking Mark for organising this any everyone else who has contributed to the box.
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Great write up LaP! Like the turn of phrase, you got knack for this writing thang. Looking forward to hearing more…..and the box arriving to me, albeit well-cannabalised in a few months.
We have converted yet another one!

As for the P160, it is not a RazoRock product. P160 is an Italian made competitor to Cella which is now discontinued. RazoRock makes a similar product, but it is not the same.

I take it your liked the Pureman?
We have converted yet another one!

As for the P160, it is not a RazoRock product. P160 is an Italian made competitor to Cella which is now discontinued. RazoRock makes a similar product, but it is not the same.

I take it your liked the Pureman? the Razorock P160 that everyone's going the tug over is a clone of the P160 I used this morning? Disregard any comments I associated with Razorock in my review. RR products are so easy to lather so that explains my inept crack at the "original" P160.

As for the Pureman - that's for next week. Last week I took delivery of a Weber and after an initial let down I'm just getting some mojo with it. Next week it will be Pureman OC.

Where can one purchase more of those vintage delights, Monsta? Anything better than the Schick? the Razorock P160 that everyone's going the tug over is a clone of the P160 I used this morning? Disregard any comments I associated with Razorock in my review. RR products are so easy to lather so that explains my inept crack at the "original" P160.

So that's the same P160 that's being sold for $10,000 (for 1kg) at Italian Barber....?!?!

I hope there's enough for a shave or two by the time it comes to me!

Where can one purchase more of those vintage delights, Monsta? Anything better than the Schick?

Ask @Mark_1966 as he's been buying up all the Schicks there are...

I think Monsta loves his GBEs...
Great write up LaP! Like the turn of phrase, you got knack for this writing thang. Looking forward to hearing more…..and the box arriving to me, albeit well-cannabalised in a few months.

Thanks Stills. Rest assured the contents of the box contain sufficient quantity of product that would last a 2nd trip around Oz. A couple of empty, albeit small bottles, however the good stuff is in sufficient supply. Even the sample of the Pinaud Bay Rum should last if everyone uses just once. The untried, but often sniffed Ogallala Bay Rum is in good supply too.
Thanks Stills. Rest assured the contents of the box contain sufficient quantity of product that would last a 2nd trip around Oz. A couple of empty, albeit small bottles, however the good stuff is in sufficient supply. Even the sample of the Pinaud Bay Rum should last if everyone uses just once. The untried, but often sniffed Ogallala Bay Rum is in good supply too.

Everyone is too generous around here... That's the problem with this place.
As for the Pureman - that's for next week. Last week I took delivery of a Weber and after an initial let down I'm just getting some mojo with it. Next week it will be Pureman OC.

Where can one purchase more of those vintage delights, Monsta? Anything better than the Schick?

That's fair enough. I am looking for a 'modern' axe like a Webber, iKON etc.... just something different.

eBay is your best bet on the blades, although places like Gumtree have yielded results of late, and if you are quick you can score over YKW.

I will probably send around some 80's-90's Gillette Super Stainless (Super Inoxydable), GBE's and maybe another pack of the Personna Super Stainless Ultra Chromes for the second Travelling Vintage Blades once the box hits the last couple of guys. Might even get those old Warner-Lambert era 80's Shicks in there too as I have tons of them. I think I want to get the newer members involved in this run, the last guys got a taste and started buying!

As for the blades to get - well the usual suspects are Spoilers (or the prior Super Stainless), Shick Platnum Plus, the Personna Ultra Chromes. You should also be able to find some older Wilkinson Sword blades which are very good also. Those will be the normal ones you will find. You might be able to pick up some Schick 'Kona-xxxxx' blades, these are rarer but usually cheaper. Good shaves in them too.

Hard to find would be Personna P74's (expensive, but you can shave all month with them), English Gillette Platinums (with Royal Warrant on them), Wilkinson 'Light Brigades' (pictures of the Light Brigade on the hangar card), Gillette Platinum Plus, Gillette Swedes.... All will be expensive but superior to the more common Spoiler/Schick Plus Platinums you mostly see.

So that's the same P160 that's being sold for $10,000 (for 1kg) at Italian Barber....?!?!

I hope there's enough for a shave or two by the time it comes to me!

Chill, I have plenty. Tipo Morbido and Tipo Duro. Yes, there was a soft and a hard variety and I have both!

Ask @Mark_1966 as he's been buying up all the Schicks there are...

I think Monsta loves his GBEs...

GBE's are more modern age blades. You really want pre 1985-86 which is when DE's basically became extinct in major western markets as Gillette brought out the cartridge razors and withdrew the DE's from these markets. Up until that point, all companies were pushing forward with DE tech and competing on it.

Schick Plus Platinums are a good blade, but the Gillette Platinum Plus which they competed against were better IMHO.
That's fair enough. I am looking for a 'modern' axe like a Webber, iKON etc.... just something different.

eBay is your best bet on the blades, although places like Gumtree have yielded results of late, and if you are quick you can score over YKW.

I will probably send around some 80's-90's Gillette Super Stainless (Super Inoxydable), GBE's and maybe another pack of the Personna Super Stainless Ultra Chromes for the second Travelling Vintage Blades once the box hits the last couple of guys. Might even get those old Warner-Lambert era 80's Shicks in there too as I have tons of them. I think I want to get the newer members involved in this run, the last guys got a taste and started buying!

As for the blades to get - well the usual suspects are Spoilers (or the prior Super Stainless), Shick Platnum Plus, the Personna Ultra Chromes. You should also be able to find some older Wilkinson Sword blades which are very good also. Those will be the normal ones you will find. You might be able to pick up some Schick 'Kona-xxxxx' blades, these are rarer but usually cheaper. Good shaves in them too.

Hard to find would be Personna P74's (expensive, but you can shave all month with them), English Gillette Platinums (with Royal Warrant on them), Wilkinson 'Light Brigades' (pictures of the Light Brigade on the hangar card), Gillette Platinum Plus, Gillette Swedes.... All will be expensive but superior to the more common Spoiler/Schick Plus Platinums you mostly see.

Chill, I have plenty. Tipo Morbido and Tipo Duro. Yes, there was a soft and a hard variety and I have both!

GBE's are more modern age blades. You really want pre 1985-86 which is when DE's basically became extinct in major western markets as Gillette brought out the cartridge razors and withdrew the DE's from these markets. Up until that point, all companies were pushing forward with DE tech and competing on it.

Schick Plus Platinums are a good blade, but the Gillette Platinum Plus which they competed against were better IMHO.

I am in awe... Dumbstruck by the Monsta...
Great review @Lifes a Peach BUT a fatal mistake ...

That is not the 'fake' Razorock p160 - it is the real McCoy now discontinued P.160 - a soap not a cream :)

EDIT: OK - posts between me starting this and coming back explain the difference. I have a TOBS container of both I think :)
That is not the 'fake' Razorock p160 - it is the real McCoy now discontinued P.160 - a soap not a cream :)

Looks like it has has a very hard life. Heat affected for sure. Mine looks nothing like that.

I am in awe... Dumbstruck by the Monsta...

Forgot the good old Aussie Spoilers... of course those are definitely on the 'Must Buy' list!
Yep, Monsta pointed this out to me a few posts above. Being the original, and now expensive vintage P160, another crack at it is warranted before I send the box on it's way. A boar is needed. Later in the week though because I'm psyched up on the Occams and Simpsons
Being the original, and now expensive vintage P160, another crack at it is warranted before I send the box on it's way. A boar is needed. Later in the week though because I'm psyched up on the Occams and Simpsons

Nothing but two weeks of shaving bliss ahead for you LaP. I wonder if you could fit in TWO shaves per day...?