Shave of the Day 2014

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Brush: Artesanía Romera manchurian finest
Soap/Cream: RR Captain's Choice Bay Rum
Razor: RR Stealth
Blade: Personna Med Prep (3)
After-shave: Captain's Choice North


Love the brush - tell me more about its history and provenance mate.

Very curious about that soap to Noting I just got the aftershave with its strangely attractive and moreish scent. What are your thoughts on it - esp. compared to something like their XXX or something else like Tabac or Speick?
CRSW Bergamot & Bay
Redtip SS
Muhle blade (1)
Plisson synth

Pretty damn good, the Muhle blade was the weak link but still did very well. The brush is superb, got a magnificent lather from the CRSW in no time.
Love the brush - tell me more about its history and provenance mate.

Very curious about that soap to Noting I just got the aftershave with its strangely attractive and moreish scent. What are your thoughts on it - esp. compared to something like their XXX or something else like Tabac or Speick?

Thanks Stillsy.

The brush is a 2014 LE made for a French shaving forum by a Spanish artisan. His name is Gustevo and website
24mm knot, 52mm loft manchurian finest knot.

The wood is Granadilla, used for making musical instruments. The knot is sensational - right up with the best I have ever seen. However the finished product is disappointing. The wood stain has faded and the sealing at the bottom is subpar - all symptoms of rushing this out. I may have a re-apply a few coats of stain to bring back its handsome looks.

Subpar sealing.

Nice head!

Was many shades darker when I got it out of the box.

The scent of the Captains Choice soap is identical to the aftershave and the lather is what you would expect of a Razorock product. The soap will no longer be made by Razorock, which is a shame.
Hmm, perhaps that's intentional in order for each brush to age individually and develop unique characteristics ?
That's a bit disappointing on a LE personalised brush.

I had my pre-xmas day shave with

Aesop brush
Mark Weber / Astra

I am pretty impressed with the Aesop/Jagger/Muhle. All the benefits of a big silvertip without the cons of it being a mop. I have come to prefer smaller brushes, and while this is more med/lge, it performs more like a small brush; easy loading, lathering, backbone and splay.

The Body Shop one is nice enough, and probably even more impressive for a $11 brush, but next to this Aesop it's a bit drippy, springy and flicky.
That's a bit disappointing on a LE personalised brush.

I had my pre-xmas day shave with

Aesop brush
Mark Weber / Astra

I am pretty impressed with the Aesop/Jagger/Muhle. All the benefits of a big silvertip without the cons of it being a mop. I have come to prefer smaller brushes, and while this is more med/lge, it performs more like a small brush; easy loading, lathering, backbone and splay.

The Body Shop one is nice enough, and probably even more impressive for a $11 brush, but next to this Aesop it's a bit drippy, springy and flicky.

Good to hear you're liking it mate. Makes me think less that I'm losing my marbles thinking the Aesop is a damned fine brush in light of the love going to the Plisson many have of late. First impressions need more work...
That's a bit disappointing on a LE personalised brush.

I had my pre-xmas day shave with

Aesop brush
Mark Weber / Astra

I am pretty impressed with the Aesop/Jagger/Muhle. All the benefits of a big silvertip without the cons of it being a mop. I have come to prefer smaller brushes, and while this is more med/lge, it performs more like a small brush; easy loading, lathering, backbone and splay.

The Body Shop one is nice enough, and probably even more impressive for a $11 brush, but next to this Aesop it's a bit drippy, springy and flicky.
Surprised Mark Weber and the Holden Astra combo worked.
Hadn't shave for almost a week!!! So today's Christmas shave with the RR Stealth slant V1, a brand new Voskhod, some hot towels and Stirling Electric sheep applied with the Vie-Long 12705B - HEAVEN!!! Couldn't tell after the first pass that it was so much growth and the end result with the post-shave feel from the soap...what can I say :)
Whaddya think of the DE mate?

The CTR? It goes strong. Still an unusual feeling, and I keep checking to see it has a blade, and forgetting that it has another one behind it.

It addictively easy to use!! Wow no stropping, just heft the thing and charge. Though it annoys me how quickly the chaser bin fills up with lather. You can do 2/3 of your face with a straight. Build up a great big cloud of lather on the blade, only really rinsing it to change hands. I like the careful thoughtful action of using a straight.

But it's so eeeasy.. I've my eyes on an r41 thinking the easy/thoughtful meet each other. Whether the become friends or enemies is another matter..
Brush: Simpson Chubby 1 Silvertip

Razor: Rocket HD

Blade: English Wilky

Soap: Johnny Good Sir

A/S: Johnny Good Sir
Brush: VS synthetic
Soap/Cream: Haslinger "Honik" (Honey)
Razor: Progress
Blade: Personna Super [1]
After-shave: Natio for Men AS balm
Razor: Super Speed Red Tip '55
Blade: Gillette Swedes
Soap: Monsavon au lait - Bol À Raser
After Shave: Pinaud Clubman 'Wildfire' Island Bay Rum

It's the first time that I didn't felt the lava sensation all over my face, only on the mustache area.
Can't wait to receive me scuttle!
Here you go. Special treat from PJ, because it's Christmas. An actual picture of all my favorite shaving implements. My plastic razor (all you metal heads are soooo wrong!). My distressed butterscotch re-knot. The handle came from Marks collection. Gotta love the distressed look. As usual the majority of brush sads of this world have no real appreciation of patina. There should be a special premium for those wicked little surface cracks. I always stick an o-ring around handles. Looks good I think and adds to the ease of handling it. And my wasted tube of SIM just before the last squeeze of cream. Oh and the blade is a Personna Superstainless from the eggman (I'm not the walrus). On it's sixth shave now. Well above average for sure.

Brush: Thater 49125
Soap/Cream: Jabonman Terra Humida
Razor: Red Tip
Blade: Polsilver
Aftershave: Captains Choice Bay Rum

A very nice shave indeed - merry Xmas face! Oh how I love this brush it is a firm, well "soft", favourite. Big thanks to @Mark1966 for the loan of the Red Tip. The intent was to have something to compare the Rocket HD with. Unfortunately I think I like the Red Tip a little better - maybe not as smooth but more economical. Unfortunately this one's not for sale.
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