If you like a flat cap you should wear one, plenty of old blokes rock an eight panel and yes I'm oldish. One great thing I've found with getting older is I care less now than I did when I was young about what others think concerning what I wear or do and as a plus for you the weather can be inclement down your way so a flat cap is great in winter for keeping your noggin warm. Maybe yo might even try a beret, although you night have to Siddle up to that, it is much harder to pull off. Step on over to the Fedora Lounge, some great stuff over that way. I'm jealous those guys have so much choice.Ooh. Some very nice looking caps there. (Ouch at the price, but the quality is obvious.) I used to affect a Harris tweed flat cap when I was in my (very) early twenties, and I think it might have actually suited me then but not so much now. Sometimes one just has to accept the vicissitudes of Anno Domini and grow up.