The Paste & Cut Traveling Box No. 1

I might do a very late lucky last and put my hand up to test out the travelling box. Only problem is that I will be away for 2 weeks very soon, so if anyone puts up their hands before me, I am more than happy to wait

Sounds good to me.

If you PM Pethdogg and myself your address and telephone we will get it to you unless anybody else puts up there hand quickly
So I have been a bit lazy with the shaving. :embarrest: But I will give you my experience of the EJ Sea Buckthorn. I might have smelt this before, or it may just remind me of some other product I have used. It smells nice... Not sure what to make of it other than that. I can't really place the scent so it's hard to make any olfactory comparisons other than it's a "nice" smell. Well it lathered beautifully, Nice and thick, held water well and cushioned comfortably. I really liked this cream. The shark blade is holding well, still sharp as the first shave. I got a close DFS after 2 passes and the third sealed the deal. Very limited touch-ups, just on the usual difficult spots. I decided I would give the classic Aqua Velva a go. It was bracing to say the least! That AS has some cooling effect! I am not really into the smell. A little bit too musky perhaps? I'm doing well describing scent tonight. At the end a very nice DFS! I am seriously considering buying the Sea Buckthorn at some point. It will be this or the TH 1805 next (price difference is the kicker here).
So what has happened to Perthdogg? Did he send the PIF to Eggy or is he MIA again?

Yep - on its way - but we are talking to Darwin - so it could be months ....
Yep - on its way - but we are talking to Darwin - so it could be months ....

It could be months getting out of Victoria at this rate. Accepted by Australia Post on 03/05 is the latest update on tracking.
It could be months getting out of Victoria at this rate. Accepted by Australia Post on 03/05 is the latest update on tracking.

Have you never experienced AusPost tracking before?

Very helpfully it will stay like that until AFTER it is delivered:evil:
The box arrived last night, and I had quite a bit of trouble trying to decide what to use. There are still (almost) too many items to choose from even with one or two having been snapped up along the way.

I decided to go for the GFT Rose, a Super Platinum blade of some description, and Aqua Velva for dessert.

I really liked the GFT Rose, it was one of the few creams that had quite a strong smell and the bright pink/red colour made it stand out from the rest. Lathered on brilliantly and is now one of the creams I will consider buying outside of Proraso.

The blade was nice enough, but it is now the following afternoon, and nothing spectacular about it springs to mind.

Aqua Velva however... I didn't know whether to gargle with it or spray it on my face. I am glad I chose the latter, as the burn was good, and I am not sure my tongue would have enjoyed it as much. I will definitely keep an eye out for this to compliment my other minty/menthol aftershave hits.

Now to decide what comes next.
I can tell you for certain that it won't be the P160. That has the vile marzipan stench that I feared both it and Cella would have.

I very nearly boiked on the spot. I have no idea how the rest of you can get passed that foetid reek!
I can tell you for certain that it won't be the P160. That has the vile marzipan stench that I feared both it and Cella would have.

I very nearly boiked on the spot. I have no idea how the rest of you can get passed that foetid reek!

All the more for the civilized people.
I can tell you for certain that it won't be the P160. That has the vile marzipan stench that I feared both it and Cella would have.

I very nearly boiked on the spot. I have no idea how the rest of you can get passed that foetid reek!

I've heard rumours that P160 is worse than Cella. I'm not a huge fan of the marzipan either although it won't make me boik. That's a word I've never heard before.
I can tell you for certain that it won't be the P160. That has the vile marzipan stench that I feared both it and Cella would have.

I very nearly boiked on the spot. I have no idea how the rest of you can get passed that foetid reek!

Some say the scent is reminiscent of Dr Pepper.

Some people have stated that if you expose the soap to the open air for some time it can dilute the scent quite dramatically. I am not a fan of marzipan either and I have done this with good results.
I'll put my hand up and admit I am a bit of a cynic.
Proraso, my FS finest badger brush, and any of a number of blades in the EJ89 or gold fatboy gave me a nice comfortable shave and I was happy. However tonight I fear one or several of you are to blame for my conversion to chasing old blades with nice creams.

For tonight I tried T&H Trafalgar, and the last Spoiler in the pack in my trusty EJ89.

I got the slickest, creamiest lather I have ever experienced with the T&H, and it had a great smell to boot. I don't know if it was because I went back to the EJ89 after an extended time using the fatboy, but it felt like I wasn't shaving at all. Not a BBS but that was the smoothest, most enjoyable shave I think I have ever had since converting to DE.

I finished it off with some Thayers WH - no sting and then some Pinaud Clubman - stung but the arome reminded me of my grandad who passed away over 30 years ago.

Amazing what certain aromas can do to the brain isn't it?
Sounds like an all around great shave mate!
Nice review mate. If you liked the Trafalgar, have a crack with the 1805 if there's still some there. The scent is fantastic.
Went with your suggestion and tried the 1805 with a rapira in the FB. I wasn't as struck with the scent but it would still be up there in the top 5 or 6 i have tried since I started 'saving money' with this DE shaving lark.

The lather wasn't as creamy and slick and glidey and delicious as the Trafalgar. And the shave wasn't up there with the ej89/spoiler combo but it was still a nice shave.

In this combinations defence it was a cold water shave in the shower and I am slowly coming to the conclusion that maybe a hot water shave where you can look at yourself in the mirror is more optimal than my usual regime. However most of the time it is just too hot up here to want to bother with that.

If I hot shave after I shower here I will need to have a cool shower again afterwards, and then I will start getting close to her royal highness Mrs Eggbert for how long I spend in the bathroom.

Finished the shave off with one of the ogallala bay rums which was a bit too clovey for my liking.
Great review mate!
Double Speick tonight as I used the cream and my own aftershave along with the ej89 and spoiler.

Nice to see that the Speick cream is as nice as the aftershave and bodes well for the soaps I have sitting at work.

Hot shave seems to have confirmed my earlier hypothesis that they are better than cold shaves, but I need one more test to use the FB instead of the Ej89.
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Nice reviews, mate. Glad to hear you enjoyed the 1805 even if it didn't knock off the Trafalgar. I think the reason I might be so keen on the 1805 scent is because it has some similar notes to the TOBS Jermyn, which is pretty similar in performance too. T&H definitely make a nice bunch of creams, though the soaps don't seem nearly as well regarded.

Speick is great stuff. I'm not entirely sold on the medicinal scent, but it damn sure leaves your skin feeling nice.