The Paste & Cut Traveling Box No. 1

Okay, review time! I'll work backwards until the beginning, starting with my trip to the beach over Easter.


  • Gillette Tech
  • Astra Superior Stainless
  • Simpson Duke 2

The Tech has become my travel razor of choice, and as I'd never used the blue Astra before I was keen to give it a run. When combined with the Duke (I haven't used anything else since I got it), I think this has made comparison pretty fair between the different creams and aftershaves that I've tried thus far. Without further ado...

eShave Almond

I like this cream, but it's yet another that I would never buy. For $36 per tub from MensBiz, I was hoping that it would perform on the level of the T&H and GFT creams. I wasn't disappointed. If I've learnt anything from the Traveling Box, it's that a lot of these higher end creams perform more or less the same. That's a YMMV statement if I ever saw one, but it's true for me. These creams all seem to fall in to the "jack of all trades, master of none" category. Many might argue that consistency across all areas is the mark of a quality product, and I wouldn't necessarily disagree. I have somewhat sensitive skin, so for me, moisturising and protection are my two main priorities.

The eShave created a very slick and glidey lather, which I found to help the blade slide smoothly across my skin. I've been getting a couple of ingrowns around my jawline, so the ability to cut cleanly across those areas without antagonising them was great. On the downside, however, I found it quite difficult to build the lather to the volume I've become accustomed too. That said, the usual solution of just adding more product was impossible as I used the last of the product. Obviously this isn't the fault of the cream, but an equivalent amount of cream with the T&H 1805 would have created a lot more lather I reckon, so I was missing some of the protection that I'm accustomed to. The subsequent lack of cushion and sparser coverage of lather contributed to a bit of the rawness I experienced post-shave. The scent is nice and unobtrusive, which works for me. I'm not big on strong scents, if I want to smell like something later then I'll use a cologne or EDT. To sum up, the eShave is a nice cream but I don't think it offers anything that I haven't liked better elsewhere.

To finish up after the eShave, I busted out the Ogallala Bay Rum.

There were a few of these in the box, and I won't lie, I can't see how two of them are different. There's the lime one, the plain bay rum, and a bay rum toner? I took the plain bay rum aftershave. I think.

It was good! Sometimes you just NEED a bit of burn, and I find myself craving that fiery face more and more these days. The Ogallala has a nice strong heat on the face and neck when applied, and I thought the alcohol and witch hazel in it did a great job of cleansing and tightening up my skin post-shave. The scent was really pleasantly balanced, quite 'fresh' and not heavy on the cloves like the Pinaud Bay Rum that I've been using. It's an "old school" style aftershave, so I wasn't expecting it to have much in the way of healing ingredients. I used the Nivea post-shave balm over the top of the Ogallala, but the pleasant bay rum scent persisted on my skin for several hours afterwards. It got the tick of approval from my mate's sister, so that's something too. Overall, a very nice product. I'll consider getting some to replace the Pinaud Bay Rum when it runs out.

Moving on again to my next shave, and using the same kit as above...the Geo F Trumper Rose.

Now, I've used this cream before but I wanted to give it another run so that I could compare it to both the TOBS and the T&H creams in a short space of time. Well, they're all close enough to being the same in my view. With that in mind, I'm going to talk about the Truefitt & Hill Trafalgar here too. These are both very easy lathering creams, and I think it's fair to say that they really allow you to choose how slick you want your lather to be. I found that if I just kept on adding water during my second and third passes, it kept on absorbing it and becoming slicker without thinning out. Likewise, the lather wasn't drying on my face for the first pass when it was thicker. This might be why these creams appeal so broadly, you can adjust them to your liking and then create identical lather every time. Two slight differences between the two:

1. The T&H Trafalgar seemed to provide slightly better protection on my face than the GFT Rose. Really nice cushion, much like the 1805. I made a reasonably slick lather, and had no problems with blade glide.

2. The GFT Rose is really nice for the face. Sometimes my face feels so good that I disregard my usual alum block pass, and this was one of them. If the moisturising is as good in their other creams, I might be very keen to get some of their coconut oil cream.

My accompaniment to the GFT Rose was the GFT Sandalwood Skin Food. I was expecting the Skin Food to be more of an oil, but it's really more like a balm or a gel. I used a tiny amount and got great coverage, which made me feel better about the price ($35/100ml). The sandalwood scent is prominent but not overpowering, and it lingers pleasantly for a few hours into the day. My skin was quite dry as I'd been at the beach, and the Skin Food did a great job of rehydrating that half of my face post-shave. The lower half of my face was quite noticeably softer and healthier than the top half that had only copped a bit of the Nivea balm. The Skin Food was also great at soothing a few raw patches from where I pushed a little hard. Not just refreshing the raw skin, but also removing the redness and encouraging it to heal very quickly. The Speick was good in the healing regard too, but the Skin Food is, in my opinion, another step up again.

A quick note on the Ogallala Bay Rum and Lime aftershave. I used this in combination with the T&H Trafalgar, and I actually liked it more than the plain Bay Rum A/S. The addition of the lime is subtle but there, it adds a really pleasant extra dimension to the normal bay rum scent. I had less burn on my face from this one than the plain, but still enough to wake me up a little. It left me with the same clean and tight feeling that I've come to expect from the old school aftershaves. I've committed to only have a maximum of two A/S at a time, but this is probably up the top of my list for when I need a new one.

That's all for me, really. Sorry to condense a bunch of reviews up into one post, I think I still have one review left in my notes so there's another one to come. I've also pinched enough Arko cream for one shave, so I'll post a review of that. Hopefully, my Arko soap in a tub will have arrived from Turkey by then, so I might do a shootout review between them both.

Thank you very much Mark for organising the box, it's been a great opportunity to try some stuff out and a bit of fun poking through it too. It's gone in the mail tonight I've been told, so Pethdogg, you can expect the package at the start of next week.
Great reviews Mong!

The Phaemosan I got from Connaughts on clearance a while ago as a cheapy to throw into a travelling box. Boy was I mistaken with that one and wish I'd brought the lot. Dead cheap and really good value for money.

I agree on the T&H and GFT being the standard for creams. There are a lot out there now and something has to be pretty special to knock those ones off.

I'm glad you liked the Bay Rum and Limes. I'd tried the Ogallala in a B&B box so got some samples when in the US last year. I think it is a cut above many entry level Bay Rums like the Pinaud and the Lime ad a nice touch. There are some high end bay rums around and I would like to try the Captain's Choice but these will be hard to beat IMHO.

Pleased you enjoyed the box and look forward to the reviews from Pethdogg!
Here's a bonus review, because I'm a scumbag and pinched a squeeze of Arko before I shipped the box out.

I've never actually tried Arko before, despite owning a stick. I always meant to grate it into a tub, but that always seemed like a pain in the ass, and a job for next weekend, then the next, then the next...

Tonight I busted it out in combination with the Duke 2, 34C and Astra SS. I'm still getting used to the water retention with the Duke, but thus far, it's made lathering most creams so easy. The Arko was no exception and whipped up nicely, a thick and stable lather that lasted well on the face. I've become prone to making my lather a bit too slick and runny, but the Arko was forgiving and held together really well. It's hard to know what to say about this stuff. I'm indifferent about the scent, I don't know if I'd want it to linger. I can't smell it over the bay rum A/S anyway. The Arko cream really wasn't spectacular in any area, but it was good enough. In terms of cushion and glide, I have no complaints. I didn't think it did much for my skin, but I wasn't really expecting it to moisturise like MNS or Phaemosan. For me, judging this cream comes down to what you want in a value product.

Will it create a thick and yoghurty lather easily? Yes.

Will it protect your face from the harshness of the blade? Yes.

Will it maintain a stable lather when it's actually on your face, without drying out? Yes.

Is it $2.50 for a tube? Yes.

Enough said.

I have one of the new soap tubs on the way from Turkey. It might even come tomorrow. Pretty keen on that now.
So I got home yesterday to find a small box packed to the brim with goodies! What a selection! Not sure what to try at first so I thought I would try something I will probably never get to try again, P.160. I loaded my gillette tech with an astra ss and went at it. Well it was amazing. A slick glide, held water well, and lathered nicely. The scent was a nice reminder of marzipan sweets from the cake shop. The soap held water and lathered well over 3 passes. I have sensitive skin and this was excellent in dealing with that. It cushioned and had minimal scrape even when I slipped a little on my jaw line. No burn, no nicks, no weepers. After that I thought I would try the pinaud clubman. No burn as I had expected, the scent was much stronger on my face than when I smelled it in the bottle, but it stays for some hours which is nice and it is noticeable but not overpowering. Reminded me of that old school shaving smell, how I remember my grandfather smelling coming out of the shower. In conclusion that was a DFS if there ever was one. The P.160, astra combo allowed me quite the close shave, the clubman left me smelling very nice for some time. When I woke up this morning the smell of the clubman was still lingering about. I can't wait for tonight.

Thanks Mark for putting this together. I'm just not sure how I can try it all in a week! Maybe I should shave twice a day...
So I got home yesterday to find a small box packed to the brim with goodies! What a selection! Not sure what to try at first so I thought I would try something I will probably never get to try again, P.160. I loaded my gillette tech with an astra ss and went at it. Well it was amazing. A slick glide, held water well, and lathered nicely. The scent was a nice reminder of marzipan sweets from the cake shop. The soap held water and lathered well over 3 passes. I have sensitive skin and this was excellent in dealing with that. It cushioned and had minimal scrape even when I slipped a little on my jaw line. No burn, no nicks, no weepers. After that I thought I would try the pinaud clubman. No burn as I had expected, the scent was much stronger on my face than when I smelled it in the bottle, but it stays for some hours which is nice and it is noticeable but not overpowering. Reminded me of that old school shaving smell, how I remember my grandfather smelling coming out of the shower. In conclusion that was a DFS if there ever was one. The P.160, astra combo allowed me quite the close shave, the clubman left me smelling very nice for some time. When I woke up this morning the smell of the clubman was still lingering about. I can't wait for tonight.

Thanks Mark for putting this together. I'm just not sure how I can try it all in a week! Maybe I should shave twice a day...

Great review!

Been off line following a drive crash :( and rang you but got caught up in meetings! Life so silly at the moment :blink:

Glad you got the box and are enjoying it
Nice review, Pethdogg! Glad the box made it to you safely.

The P160 is a great soap, you might also be interested in Cella which is still available and highly regarded. I find them both to be exceptionally similar, or at least, they're both good in the same way.
"Make your armpits your charmpits"
Well thats a new one! Not quite sure that's for me though :unsure:

Been off line following a drive crash :( and rang you but got caught up in meetings!
Hope the drive wasn't a big issue. I was wondering who that was. Been trying to work out good combos for cream/aftershave. I'm not getting too adventurous though.

you might also be interested in Cella which is still available and highly regarded. I find them both to be exceptionally similar, or at least, they're both good in the same way.
I'm pretty keen to try Cella. I've seen it in some Italian grocers around town. So next time I spy it I might pick some up.

Now to Shave number two:

I open them all up and had really good smell. I was drawn like a fly to honey to the scent of the TH 1805. Not sure why but it just had me. I also wanted to try Thayer's as a non-alcohol AS type. I've used other witchazels but it seems Thayer's is highly regarded among the wet-shaving community. So I loaded my bowl with some 1805 and started a lather. Was quite surprised how much water I needed to get a slick lather. I love a slick lather :love:. But I got there and whipped up some nice thick and slick lather. Grabbed the Tech with Astra SS and got to work. Not a lot of hair to remove just a light stubble which was made short work of. But the one thing I noticed was that it was not as slick as I had hoped. The P.160 was so slick I think the next shave was always going to fall short in comparison. But otherwise it was an excellent cream, thick, cushioning, and smelt fantastic. One weeper on my neck, which is most likely my fault and no fault of the cream. The blade was still "razor" sharp (forgive the pun) and cutting through hair like nobodies business. After three passes and some touch ups, I was walking away with a DFS. As close as the P.160 but needed a few more touch ups.
I cleaned the cream off my face, gave it a dry and readied the Thayer's Lavender. Expecting a bit of sting as I was used to with other Witchazels, I was left unsure I had applied it correctly. No sting at all! No wonder it's highly regarded. Smelled quite nice and mild but carried the scent for a time, not as long as the Clubman, but then again it's not an AS. The scent is a fresh light lavender with that typical witchazel undertone. The lavender top note went within the hour (or at least I didn't notice it), the witchazel smell lasted a while longer than that, then I went to bed. The end!

This travelling box was the best thing I have put my hand up for in a long time. I'm going to have some fun with this!
I'm pretty keen to try Cella. I've seen it in some Italian grocers around town. So next time I spy it I might pick some up.

Whereabouts have you seen it? I've gone through Brunswick and Richmond looking for anything other than Proraso, but with no luck. Other than MensBiz, that is.

Another good review mate. The 1805 was probably my favourite thing from the box aside from perhaps the Phaemosan.
Whereabouts have you seen it? I've gone through Brunswick and Richmond looking for anything other than Proraso, but with no luck. Other than MensBiz, that is.

Another good review mate. The 1805 was probably my favourite thing from the box aside from perhaps the Phaemosan.

I saw it at Piedemonties IGA in north fitzroy when I got some proraso about 6 months ago. Not sure if it's a regular item or not though. Might be worth a try if you're in the neighbourhood.

So shave 3...

I decided to try the Vitos extra super and the Ogalala bay rum with lime. The Vitos lathered like a meringue, soft peaks and creamy. First pass was a bit rough so I added some water to the mix and lathered again. Much much better. Slick and moist. It also smelt like Impereal Leather soap? So during the third pass I got a little complacent and gave my chin a good scrape. So I did a few touch ups and looked warily at the bay rum. Then a thought hit me... GFT skin food! If it's not for razor burn then what is it for? Well I put that to my face and initially not much happened, but after 15 mins or so I stopped noticing the burn. Which for me is quite significant as my skin is very sensitive and razor burn normally will last almost a full day of dull burning. So it seems to work and smells good too. I think the Astra SS is on its last legs, with a bit of tugging during the third pass. All in all an acceptable shave. Not as good as the others I've had so far but good enough not to complain about it. Might have to try the bay rum tomorrow morning.
So after the chin scraping carnage I decided to give it a day to recover, so I didn't shave until last night. I used the GFT Rose cream and loaded up a Shark SS into my Tech. The GFT lathered really thick. It was very cushioning and held water very well. I added a few drops of water on the third pass and it whipped up very nicely. 3 very nice passes. The smell was pretty much what I expected, much like any rose product. If you like roses this would be your cream. The shark blades are super sharp! Absolutely no tug on the touch ups (which I do with just water). Just slid across my face shearing hair as it went. An absolutely DFS! Then I thought I would give the Ogalala Bay rum with lime a try. Whoah now! :eek:mg: That's a stinger! I was not expecting that much sting. I admit I don't usually use bay rum, however when I got a shave at the barber for my Bro's wedding they used GFT bay rum and it did not sting that much. Any way the sting was short lived, but I definitely knew I had shaved. :D The smell was really good, not much clove if any, but a freshness about it with that classic bay rum base. It mingled a bit with the rose but that only made me enjoy it more. The scent lingered for quite a while, not overpowering but evident.
Another nice review mate, and thanks for the tip on Piedemonties IGA. As it turns out, their second branch is only a couple of suburbs over from me so I've sent them an email querying whether or not they regularly stock Cella and Proraso.

Did you end up calling it quits on the Astra SS after three shaves? I ask because I've been shaving with one for the last week or so, and I got up to shave 6 with it before binning it. It's a little bit sharper than the SP which is great, I actually think it's a better blade for me than it's olive green cousin.

The Ogallala lit my face up a couple of times as well, it's got a kick to it. Do you use an alum block? If you're one of those freaky people who love the burn (I am), it might be fun to unleash the alum before the A/S. Big sting wakes you up in the mornin'.:D
thanks for the tip on Piedemonties IGA.

Did you end up calling it quits on the Astra SS after three shaves?

The Ogallala lit my face up a couple of times as well, it's got a kick to it. Do you use an alum block?

No worries mate would be interested in finding out if they do stock Cella. Yeah 3 shaves and it was tugging quite a bit. Might have been a dodgy blade? Haven't tried the Astra SP but I will get around to it. My fave blade so far in terms of longevity is the Persona red. That lasted me for at least a week of really good shaves. I do enjoy the sting but don't use an alum. Might have to try it out as well. I started DE shaving for two reasons: I always got mad shaving burn with cartridges and canned goo so I hated doing it, and to save money. They always trick you into thinking this is a cheap option but with all the things I want to try and buy it's turning into quite the little wallet slimmer!

The next shave!
So I went with the Phamaeson this time with the Shark SS. What a cream! Lathered beautifully, held water like a reservoir in monsoon season and cushioned like a silver lined cloud. The cream surprised me how thick it was. I thought it might have been lighter but it was dense and smooth. Not as slick as the P.160 but smoother than the TH 1805. It wasn't slick like a soap but the blade just glided across my face. After two passes WTG then XTG and I could have called it quits! This was a very close shave. I think this has to be the best cream I have tried to date. I gave it a third pass (for consistency of comparison) and was basically just sliding the razor across smooth skin. A few touch ups in the tricky spots (Jaw angle and under the chin) and I was done. That's the closest I have gotten to BBS without ATG ever! I tend to stay clear of ATG with my skin as I invariably end up with in-growns everywhere and quite the burn. The Shark is still holding up well, but after 2 shaves I'm not surprised. I think there are many more shaves left in this blade. I used the Thayer's with cucumber after and was delighted with the result. It was so refreshing. I was a little apprehensive that I might end up smelling like a cucumber sandwich but it's a very mild scent. A brilliant shave at the end of the day.
..............held water like a reservoir in monsoon season and cushioned like a silver lined cloud.........dense and smooth........just glided across my face........the best cream I have tried to date.........basically just sliding the razor across smooth skin........ closest I have gotten to BBS without ATG ever........... Shark........are many more shaves left in this blade.........delighted with the result........ so refreshing........brilliant shave........

Were there some happy pills in the box too?
I might do a very late lucky last and put my hand up to test out the travelling box. Only problem is that I will be away for 2 weeks very soon, so if anyone puts up their hands before me, I am more than happy to wait