The Paste & Cut Traveling Box No. 1

Box arrived today, thanks GT. I discovered it nicely abandoned on the front porch with not so much as a knock on the door or a request for signature. First shave and review after work tonight.
Hi guys! I am still around. I have been a bit busy and neglecting my noob duties, sorry. Thanks for including me in this most fortunate opportunity. I really am looking forward to trying some of these products. After the comprehensive reviews we have had so far, I just wish to add my best view to the mix.
Apologies for not doing a review yet guys, my house got burgled on Friday night so I've been a little busy. Tomorrow I'll write up my first couple of shaves.
Apologies for not doing a review yet guys, my house got burgled on Friday night so I've been a little busy.

That sucks. Hope they didn't take anything of personal worth.

Looking forward to your reviews. This has been a great enjoyable thread so far.
Apologies for not doing a review yet guys, my house got burgled on Friday night so I've been a little busy. Tomorrow I'll write up my first couple of shaves.

Ditto what Bodge said.

Hope it gets sorted quickly
Apologies for not doing a review yet guys, my house got burgled on Friday night so I've been a little busy. Tomorrow I'll write up my first couple of shaves.

No good Mong,but as long as they didn't score the box all should be well. (Don't really mean to be flippant, but the only way you can look at a burglary is that "things is just things").
Thanks fellas, it was fortunate that my brother was home when they tried. He's a big bloke and a gym junkie, so I imagine the scumbags got quite a surprise when he came downstairs with a bat!

Anyway, without further ado...

My first shave with the box consisted of:

  • Schick Krona
  • Schick Plus Platinum
  • Simpson Duke 2
  • Truefitt & Hill 1805 cream
  • Speick A/S

Great shave from this combo. The T&H 1805 seems to be pretty well regarded across the other forums, and I was keen to see if it would threaten my current love affair with the TOBS Jermyn St. I was also curious to see if the 1805 was twice the cream, considering the disparity between prices. I was not disappointed, but I won't be running out to buy more cream. My impression of the 1805 was very similar to the Jermyn; it possesses similar qualities that I enjoy. I didn't find the scent to be particularly strong, but it's pleasant in a subtle way. A chickpea worth of cream created quite a lot of lather, enough for nice and thick coverage during a three pass shave. I'm still adjusting to the water retention of the Duke 2, so I kinda flooded the cream with liquid at the start. After a minute in the bowl, it had thickened up nicely but stayed pretty slick. On the face, it provided good protection and reasonable glide. It also remained very stable for the duration of the shave; it didn't degrade or dry on my skin, or in the bowl. Post-shave, my skin was left in good condition but the 1805 lacked the standout moisturising qualities of my favoured creams and soaps. Overall, this cream is good across all areas, but in my opinion, great at none. That's not intended as a criticism of the product, it's still a nice cream. I'd buy more if I felt inclined to splurge on a cream for regular use, but as it stands, I won't be considering it for now until I finish the TOBS. Even then, I don't think it's worth two of the TOBS creams.

I was also very keen to try the Speick splash, as it's something I've been considering for a couple of months now. The scent is a bit more medicinal than I expected, and it lingers a bit longer on the skin than I'd like. Interestingly, when I opened the bottle to smell it, it evoked an extremely strong recollection of my grandfather, who passed away a few years ago now. I think that it's quite likely that he wore Speick when I was growing up as a young fella, I've never had a scent prompt a memory like that before. While that was interesting for me, it also made me wonder if I'd want to be walking around in a scent appropriate for an elderly bloke. Scent aside, I loved the performance of the Speick. I found it to be nice and soothing on my skin, and it's kept any redness and soreness away from my neck. I was interested in the healing properties of Speick in particular, and based on this shave, it doesn't disappoint in that regard. It's also non-greasy, which is important for me as my skin is prone to being oily occasionally. Good moisturising, skin is nice and soft a few hours later. No complaints at all, I'd happily buy this. I just need to decide if the scent will be a problem.

That's it for my first shave. Next up, T&H Trafalgar or GFT Rose and the Ogallala.

After I mentioned I'd got some from Turkey, my old man was keen to try the Arko cream. I've got him wet-shaving properly on Mondays and Wednesdays now, he's nicely set up with his Omega boar and my Slim on loan. Considering we picked up the Omega shaving cream that he's come to love from Singapore for about $4, I thought the Arko was a good comparison. His thoughts were as follow:

  • Very quick and easy to build a nice, workable lather
  • Nice protection/cushion against the blade
  • Lacking the glide that's present with the Omega, but still sufficiently slick to not cause problems
  • Very dense and thick lather that will absorb a reasonable amount of water and stay solid

Next review in a few days as I'll be a bit busy with work and uni.
Great review mate!
I'd forgotten that it's easter this weekend, so there might be some disruption with the post. Pethdogg, you seem to be up next for the box. If you can PM me with your address, I'll try and get it in the post ASAP. I'm going away for the long weekend, but I'd like to get it into your hands next week.
Pethdogg, are you out there? I need your address buddy.

Alternatively, is there anyone else in the queue? I'm back from the beach tomorrow, so I can both type my reviews and post the box if there is a contender.

I'll say this just briefly though. I find the English brands to be pretty damn similar in performance. The GFT Rose and T&H Trafalgar produced a lather that was nearly identical to my eye. They're both nice creams with pleasant scents, pretty slick and cushiony. Though nice, I don't think they offer anything that the TOBS Jermyn doesn't do the same or better.

I quite like the sandalwood skin food too. The scent is okay, but most of all, I found it to be very soothing and pleasant on the face. I busted out a blue Astra for the first time and got a nice shave in a Tech, but I had a few slightly aggravated patches and the skin food was great at settling it down. It's surprisingly thick, I was expecting more of a liquid. The balm is really nice though, and a small amount does go a long way.

It's hard typing on my phone, so that's all for now. More tomorrow folks.
Going, going, going ...

Come on people - your last chance to play!

Try before you buy or decide NOT to buy, that is your choice :)
Going, going, going ...

Come on people - your last chance to play!

Try before you buy or decide NOT to buy, that is your choice :)

Loop it round (I have very little pride) that way I can keep the Pinaud and a bottle of Witchhazel with a clear conscience.
Either vthat or put non participating members names in a hat - draw one and flick it on (of course deny all knowledge of the hat bit).
Going, going, going ...

Come on people - your last chance to play!

Try before you buy or decide NOT to buy, that is your choice :)

OK, looks like Perthdogg is MIA... There must be SOMEONE here who wants to try some great gear for free??? Look at the pics on page 1, you get to try all that stuff and all it costs you is $7.00 or $8.00 to move it on to the next person.
Loop it round (I have very little pride) that way I can keep the Pinaud and a bottle of Witchhazel with a clear conscience.
Either that or put non participating members names in a hat - draw one and flick it on (of course deny all knowledge of the hat bit).

I'm thinking we have a bit of a PIF of the contents when it is finished - so this might occur anyway :)
Hi Guys sorry I have been away for the long weekend and really busy when I got back. Mong I will PM my details to you. Looking forward to this!!!
Hi Guys sorry I have been away for the long weekend and really busy when I got back. Mong I will PM my details to you. Looking forward to this!!!

Mate, if you can PM your address and phone number to Mong and me that would be great.
Just a courtesy post here. I've packaged up the box and put it in the trusty hands of my office manager at work, so it will be on its way to Pethdogg tomorrow morning with the business mail. As we're in the same city, it might even arrive on Monday.

I have about six pages of reviews in my notepad, so I'll get them up here this arvo. Before I do though, where does Phaemosan come from? I googled it and got surprisingly few shaving-related results. It seems to be German in origin and it's available from their Amazon, but I couldn't find much else about it. A couple of piddly little threads on B&B and TSD. Why is no one talking about this? I can only imagine that it's a chemist or supermarket line because I can't find any international sellers with a website in english.

I found it needed too much product for the amount of lather I whipped up and that it needed a good flogging in the mug to get there, but aside from that, it was slick and protective enough. The moisturising qualities though, wow! My face is still feeling exceptionally good 12 hours later, it's soft and smooth and the small amount of irritation I had post-shave is gone. I thought that the Mike's Natural Soaps were good at moisturising (and they are), but this is a step above. I can't help but think this would make an AMAZING budget superlather candidate.

Can you tell that I was impressed?