Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

Which Floid? Is it the Spanish stuff we can buy onshore - Suave or Vigoroso?
Which Floid? Is it the Spanish stuff we can buy onshore - Suave or Vigoroso?

Both are $25 at MB. Suave is lighter in fragrance & menthol than Vigoroso apparently...
It will be interesting to try it as I don't have (or know) many alcohol based aftershaves.
Yeah @filobiblic but knowing these fellas they've included a rare form of Floid that is only available from Guiseppe in Calibria who sells on the third Sunday of Lent sourced of the tears from the third eye of a virgin goat on the Aquarian full moon while, and this is the rub, while Gemini is in the third house…retrograde ascending!

A cunning bunch they are….hooking us to a version of Floid that only works with the original P160 and some vintage blade discontinued in 1963. Cunning…or evil, EVIL I tell ya!
Sorry to break into the Floid shenanigans but I'm looking forward to an early night so I'd like to get my review up before Nigh nighs.

The Pureman OC experiment is going well. I don't want to jinx it but this razor is far. Day 2 Francais Gillette blade and we are close, smooth and with virtually no irritation. I am very surprised because I had expected a rougher ride with the renowned OC aggressiveness . Fingers crossed that my mojo continues. On Thursday I'm going to switch in the Schick blade (3 shaves) from my Weber to see if I can detect any difference.

The Nanny's Gentleman's Shaving Soap (Sandalwood) looked like it hadn't received much love lately. The Sandalwood scent now quite faint, it's a bit tired looking and hard. I wasn't planning on using it but curiosity got the better of me. To soften it up a bit I sprinkled some warm water on the puck whilst I had a shower. To cut a long story short it lathered up really nicely and the real surprise for me was the supreme slickness. Unfortunately, the sandalwood scent has gone the way of the Dodo, but the other properties are very good.

Witch Hazel and rubbed in some of the D R Harris Arlington Milk. This stuff smells great and leaves the skin feeling great too. Highly recommend it.
Keep the reviews coming LaP! It's going to be a shame once you pass the box on...
I love Floid that much that I wanted to share it around with everyone who may never have smelled it.

Thanks mate. Appreciated.
So I'm getting down to the last few days of reign with "The Box". The samples that I get to keep will be used next week and will just use the items that will go onto our next connoisseur. Today it's a Menthol theme.

So it's a day 3 Gillette Frenchy and the Pureman OC. The shave wasn't as silky as the past 2 days. A little rough but no cuts or irritation. I don't know if it was the blade or cream but the lightest touch was required. Tomorrow I will replace the Gillette with the day 3 Schick from my Weber to gauge any difference between the 2 blades.

Godrej Shaving Cream Menthol Mist
is very soft so it required just a few dips with the brush into the pot. It lathered up nicely with The Duke and the menthol kicked in quickly leaving my face feeling quite cold. If I was feeling tired before then I was certainly awake now. This cream would be a treat to use on hot summer mornings. Don't remember what the fragrance was like so it was probably a little average. Face lathering the cream felt quite luxurious and satisfying. Plenty of lather for the remaining passes. As I've never heard of this cream or its maker before googled this one and discovered that it's made in India. Overall the Menthol Mist is good value.

Witch Hazel rub followed by some 444 aftershave balm. This is a menthol based balm with only a small amount required to get a full application on the face. The scent is fine but it didn't linger for long. The post shave properties are quite good based on the feeling of my skin throughout the day.

Time to hit the sack!
I think where we got it from had both (giftsandcare?)

I can't remember if you were a lightweight and got the Suave, or a real man with the Vigorosso.
Just a very basic setup today. Well into the products that initially I wasn't planning on using but I'm glad now that I did. Some of the stuff did looked quite sorry to me but I shouldn't judge a book by its cover because they all turned out to be quite impressive.

After yesterday's roughish shave I switched out of the 3rd day use French Gillette and popped back a 3rd day used Schick into Pureman OC. The shave was smoother than yesterday's, with the exception of my chin that got cut up in several places. First time I've drawn blood in ages. I am continued to be impressed with this Pureman razor. It's so easy to maneuver and get into the tight corners. The razor has now been cleaned, sterilised and packed safely back into the box for tomorrow's onwards journey. The Schick blade has held up quite well

Phaemosan Rasiercreme
is another one of those creams that I've never heard of and I'm not the only one judging from my searches on other forums. A smidgen of cream produced an awesome lather and the fragrance was quite sweet. Slick and creamy and top notch from a performance point of view. There was an abundance of lather for the subsequent passes.

My shave was completed with a first time splash of Floid. It felt cool and refreshing. The scent, as previously mentioned by Drubbing, is akin to aniseed. It really is a nice aftershave and something that I will consider the next time I pop my head into Mensbiz. For a change I did not use the Witch Hazel and I did feel some minor irritation on my neck in the earlier part of the day. Might have to add this to my list too.
Travelling Box No.2 is on it's way to @gthomas04 . It's bulging at the seams! Hopefully it arrives on Monday.

For the remaining guys on the list I have added Personna Med Prep blades that you can help yourselves to. I'll post up my final review and a summary of the last 2 weeks later tonight.

Enjoy it GT!