Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

Yes, I think it is a 15c/25c head. It looks like the Merkur 4-piece Travel razor would also fit the bill.

Would people like a travel razor with the same (similar) long handle to use while at home?

I can thoroughly recommend the Weber handles...

This handle is longer than the Webber. Also looks a tad thinner.
This handle is longer than the Webber. Also looks a tad thinner.
So is the Pureman's handle longer and thinner than the Weber's Classic handle (just under 100mm long and 1.1mm wide)….unlike their more popular Bulldog - which is shorter (~80mm), fatter (1.25mm) and loved by many (including me)?
Yeah, I think the Pureman handle is about 10-11mm in diameter, and would be somewhere between 110-125mm long. It's definitely over 4" long.
And I am back.
A slight digression if nobody minds ( and of course it is too bloody late if you do) as I have a matter of important philosophical discussion to regal you with.
Throughout history mankind has always been divided on the vital topics - nature versus nurture, evolution versus creationism, these topics and many others similar have divided humanity, caused wars, famine and general unhappiness as the two sides of a question could never reconcile. I am pleased to announce today that I have removed one of these festering pustules on the bum of the world. That is of course the vital question of Blade versus Razor. (I know I can hear some of you now "How did you achieve such a thing Glen, you must truly have abilities above and beyond that of normal men".
It was simple really (as all great ideas are (TM anyone)) I took the Personna blade out of the Pureman and put it into the Slim (for the results of this incredible advance in scientific knowledge, read on)

Soap - did a random dip into the box and came up with the Proraso Red. It may just have been me, but the scent was quite strong and quite musty. The lather though was excellent.
Brush - who cares its a brush.
Razor - as described above the Slim on 7
Blade - Personna on shave 2.

The result (drum roll please) - Its the blade another excellent shave with this blade - I will have to look out for some.

Next shave - will the scientific truth continue to hold - Gillette Spoiler in the Pureman OC.

Gotta go the Nobel committee are on the line :)
And I am back.
A slight digression if nobody minds ( and of course it is too bloody late if you do) as I have a matter of important philosophical discussion to regal you with.
Throughout history mankind has always been divided on the vital topics - nature versus nurture, evolution versus creationism, these topics and many others similar have divided humanity, caused wars, famine and general unhappiness as the two sides of a question could never reconcile. I am pleased to announce today that I have removed one of these festering pustules on the bum of the world. That is of course the vital question of Blade versus Razor. (I know I can hear some of you now "How did you achieve such a thing Glen, you must truly have abilities above and beyond that of normal men".
It was simple really (as all great ideas are (TM anyone)) I took the Personna blade out of the Pureman and put it into the Slim (for the results of this incredible advance in scientific knowledge, read on)

Soap - did a random dip into the box and came up with the Proraso Red. It may just have been me, but the scent was quite strong and quite musty. The lather though was excellent.
Brush - who cares its a brush.
Razor - as described above the Slim on 7
Blade - Personna on shave 2.

The result (drum roll please) - Its the blade another excellent shave with this blade - I will have to look out for some.

Next shave - will the scientific truth continue to hold - Gillette Spoiler in the Pureman OC.

Gotta go the Nobel committee are on the line :)

You're such a wag GT...
Damn hit the button on this one G "Socrates" T!
Hey which Personnas you keen on? Blue, Lab, IP Red?
Actually @gthomas04 it is the razor/blade combo - but you can think what you like :)
Must be the GT method...
Speaking of meds, GT may be referring to the Personna Med Preps that I popped into the box.
No idea they are in blue paper with an instruction to take 5 only.

Yep, those are the Med Preps that I added. I purchased those from Connaught.

Med Preps and Lab Blues are supposedly the same blade with the exception of an extra sterilization process applied to the Med Preps. These blades will be marked with "For Hospital Use". Lab Blues are about 40% cheaper.
Actually @gthomas04 it is the razor/blade combo - but you can think what you like :)
As I suspected would happen people, a heretic rises to create a schism. Not content that the world already suffers from the conflicts between religions of the same faith, pro and anti abortionists, Ukrainians and, well Ukrainians we have to have our very own deviationist pop his head up. Come the revolution we know where to find you. :)
As I suspected would happen people, a heretic rises to create a schism. Not content that the world already suffers from the conflicts between religions of the same faith, pro and anti abortionists, Ukrainians and, well Ukrainians we have to have our very own deviationist pop his head up. Come the revolution we know where to find you. :)

Proverbs 27:17 NLT—As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

Just had to help you out there @gthomas04 !
Oh crap, things just have gone all ykw in this thread...
So, BOT, @gthomas04 - how is the Box going?

[the mods around here are SOOOOOOO slack at keeping things on track!]
Next shave tomorrow - Spoiler in the Pureman OC, soap will be a lucky dip into the box, what comes out I try. Lotsa fun. By the way looking at the last postage figure it is up to 2.8kgs!

Good thing I'll come to you and pick it up! I'm then happy to deliver to @borked. Hopefully it will lighten along the way... (Though I doubt it!)

Edit: typo