Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

@kjparker Missus is due to sprog any day - he skipped his place as he will be to busy running around thinking "What have I done - help help help".

Haha! Exactly how I thought...
Good to see the box on the road!

Thanks for the great reviews
My final Travelling Box review was supposed to go up on Friday night but my son played in a hockey grand final and I was too buggered when I got home.

Since just about everyone has tried Proraso Red, and the aftershave I used came from an unlabeled bottle I'm going to skip the review and summarise my experience of the last 2 weeks. My apologies in advance if my initial words are a bit tactless but there is a silver lining.

Firstly, I have never participated in a traveling or pass-around box before. When I opened it for the first time I separated the contents into the must-try and the crappy looking items that would stay in the box. My plan was to shave with the preferred stuff in both week one and week 2. I was most looking forward to the P160 (mistakenly thinking it was Razorock's version) and Occams, especially the pre-shave soap. The rest of the stuff looked very ho-hum.

The first week made for some very interesting results. My first shave with the P160 was underwhelming and then I was informed that it wasn't Razorock's version but the original, and now discontinued one. Another shot with it later in the week produced a much better result. Coincidentally I saw a WTS P160 for $95 on B&B in that week. Would I pay that sort of money for P160 - No way! It's a good cream but I've used others that perform better for me at much lower price points. The Occams pre-shave soap was another highly anticipated product that I was looking forward to. The video reviews of this pre-shave soap all promised a thicker and slicker lather and an overall more comfortable shave experience. If this is the case I certainly did not feel any difference in my shaves. Overrated in my opinion.

The TOBS Mr Taylor's was the best of the creams in the week one group. So easy to lather and the scent is both masculine and heavenly. I effortlessly achieved a consistent cover of lather on all passes. The shave was smooth and very comfortable thanks to the creams slick properties. I suffered first-shave blues with the other creams but it was me, not the creams. All of the aftershaves I used were awesome in their own ways. Pinaud Clubman Virgin Islands Bay Rum smelt wonderful and warmed up my face in a most pleasant fashion, whilst the Ogallala Bay Rum Lime & Peppercorn Aftershave felt cool and crisp. The Pinaud Clubman has that old fashion barber shop fragrance that lingered throughout the day. The D R Harris Arlington Milk left my face feeling baby smooth soft all day and the fragrance is top notch. The vintage Schick and the made-in-France Gillette were my first experience with vintage blades. They performed surprisingly well with close shaves and no cuts or irritation. The Schick edges out the Gillette in terms of smoothness in my opinion. I love the blade dispensers. Thayers Witch Hazel Lavender was a bit of a gem. Whenever I rubbed this lotion into my face I did not suffer any post-shave irritation. It seems to have some kind of skin caring property that puts out the flames.

Week 2 - With the exception of the Occams Original Shave cream and the Pureman OC razor, week two was just going to be a repeat of week one, but that's not how it turned out. Curiosity got the better of me so I pulled out the "crappy looking stuff" from the box and scheduled them into the week. The Occams was a great performing cream, right up there with the TOBS, but I was not endeared to the vege/earthly fragrance. The cost of this cream is a bit too rich for my blood despite the great performance. Mr Taylor's takes the gong for the best cream. The big surprise for me was the Nanny's Gentleman's Shaving Soap (Sandalwood) proving that you should never judge a book by its cover. It looked old and forgotten about. The scent was non-existent. Like some forgotten mutt I felt sorry for it! So to my complete surprised it produced a great lather and the slickness was first rate. I contemplated asking Mark if I could keep it but I wanted others to experience it too. Again the aftershaves all performed very well. My pick was the Myrsol Agua Balsamica. Divine and unique fragrance that has this excellent skin caring property and the fragrance managed to get through a tough sweaty training session that I had that morning. The Floid is another wonderful smelling aftershave although I did not find the same post-shave experience as the Myrsol. I don't like long or barberpole handles and find open combs (cough R41) to be very aggressive and painful (cough R41) so I was quite wary of the Pureman Open Comb razor. However my fears were subdued with this razor. With a sort of exception on day-4, this razor performed superbly. It was so easy to maneuver around my face. Whilst it was more aggressive than my 34C or Superspeed, it did leave me with a very close shave and without the irritation that I was expecting. This razor is the best of all razors I have used for shaving in tight areas, like under my nose. Just about everything, with the exception of the modern blades, was tried and all quite satisfactory.

The overall experience over the past 2 weeks was quite educational. Being a soap latherer I have never thought much of creams but the TOBS changed my views. My cream lathering technique improved dramatically. Some of the products that I've never heard of or contemplated buying turned out to be top notch! The use of the aftershaves has now got me looking beyond my usual favourites of Proraso and Acqua Di Parma.

My wonderful son just purchased me a tub of Mr Taylors for Fathers Day and I've order an Ogallala Bay Rum Bonanza pack. Monsta convinced me to purchase a Schick Krona with vintage Schick blades that I will try in about 2 weeks. I will try the Occams Lime shaving cream this coming week and strongly consider purchasing if the fragrance is to my liking and there's a sale. Other products on my shopping list are Pinaud Bay Rum Virgin Islands (I'll wait until next winter when the warming properties will be most needed), Myrsol and Thayers Witch Hazel.

Thanks again Mark for taking the time to organise this and thanks to everyone for your kind support of my reviews. I had a lot of fun doing it.
Now THAT'S ^^^^ how to review a Travelling Shaving Box. Don't think any of us will top that. Great stuff LaP!
Holy fuck!
I've gotta get myself a ghost writer now to justify my participation with this traveling box thingy ?
I don't like long or barberpole handles and find open combs (cough R41) to be very aggressive and painful (cough R41) so I was quite wary of the Pureman Open Comb razor. However my fears were subdued with this razor. With a sort of exception on day-4, this razor performed superbly. It was so easy to maneuver around my face. Whilst it was more aggressive than my 34C or Superspeed, it did leave me with a very close shave and without the irritation that I was expecting. This razor is the best of all razors I have used for shaving in tight areas, like under my nose. Just about everything, with the exception of the modern blades, was tried and all quite satisfactory.

That's a glowing review from someone who hates open-combs. (y)

The R41 is certainly not something that you can say is representative of open combs generally. It's a wailing banshee on crack. Most of the other available OC's like early Gillettes, or even the later NEWs are quite mild. The Merkur range is a little more aggressive but if you have whiskers at an acute angle to the skin then the OC is much better at getting at them.

I believe the Pureman OC (Merkur head & custom handle) gains its user-friendliness from the handle which provides grip, weight, balance and leverage. It could be made a little thicker and thus heavier, but it is almost spot on.

Sounds like you had a couple of weeks worth of fun and experience, always a good thing. Great reviews too, entertaining an informative.
The box has arrived into my tender care :) I wont even try to compete with LoP's intensely detailed descriptions, but I shall attempt to inform and entertain in my own style. Haven't opened the box yet as I still have my daily task lists to complete :)
Well I got an early mark so opened the box. What a surprise I feel sorry for those following me because apart from (shut up LaP) a few dried up bits of soap, a razor and what looked like a few used blades the cupboard was almost bare (I said keep quiet LaP we may be able to do a deal here). :) I will force myself to struggle through my 2 weeks and try to leave something for you guys, but don't get too excited. (I figure if I shave 4 to 6 times a day for 2 weeks I may make a tiny dent in this cornucopia of shaving delight). My difficulty will be to work out what I have that can add value to the box. Perhaps a packet of Spoilers to add the 150 odd blades in the kit. For me I shall begin with some Occams Lime pre shave soap (never used such stuff) and Occams Lime cream. Then in a few hours something different (good thing I have fast growing whiskers). Back soonish.
LaP, a great effort to put up such interesting and entertaining reviews. I think I enjoyed your time with the box more than my own time with the box!

Big shoes to fill, GT.
LaP, a great effort to put up such interesting and entertaining reviews. I think I enjoyed your time with the box more than my own time with the box!

Big shoes to fill, GT.
Wouldn't even try to fill them.

Used the Occams Lime pre-shave soap, though what the point of this is I am not too clear. It was soap, couldn't detect much scent and it didn't do much to soften the beard, however as I have started with it I will try it further.
Occams Lime cream - I only ask one thing of a shaving cream, soap or whatever I use to lather with. It must soften the beard enough that my razor doesn't snag or tug. The aroma doesn't bother me I use both ARKO!!!!! and the lovely marzipan stuff. This Occams did the job - not the greatest lather I have ever had, but it did its thing with the whiskers.
The razor was my trusty Slim at 7 and a new Spoiler in it. The brush was a wooden handled thing with bristles (again as long as the brush will whisk up a lather I neither know or care where they came from or what they are made of.

Finished with a splash of Pinaud Clubman (of which I found a whole bottle that looks like nobody has touched.

Until next time people
Nice review GT :)
Hmm, I've this weird feeling that I should use ARKO!!!
Ok people in honour of the box I am not doing my usual shave every five days as that would mean I couldn't try much.

So todays effort was
Soap: Nanny's gentleman's shaving soap for no other reason than who could resist trying something with a name like that.
Brush: Who knows I don't keep track of them I just use them. One day I will take some photos and see if the brush tragics can identify. Anyway it had a wooden handle and I think boar bristles (I hope that adds further meaning to the review.
Razor: Got all daring here and took out the Pureman OC from RM
Blade : Personna Super , although the instructions were to take five and keep, by my count the box would run out too soon so I only snaffled a couple (not be overly kind here I have blades in quantities too big to mention.
Result: Are you ready, holding your breath, away we go. The Nanny Soap was good - gave it a good scrub with the brush and it applied a pleasant feeling layer of suds on my face. The real surprise was the OC and the Personna, given my scars have barely healed from my excursion into R41 land, I was a bit dubious. I careful inspected the amount of blade hanging out and decided it was safe to use. I loved the feel of the razor nice long handle (I suspect that is why I prefer the Slim to the Fatboy) and good balance feel to it. Not having tried the blade before I started cautiously but soon discovered I could swipe away quite happily at any angle I chose (I am sure if I could work out how, I could easily run this combo WTG and ATG at the same time). No problems whatever in the tricky areas, under the nose, side of the mouth or under the bottom lip. All in all a great shave. Next I shall try the Personna in my Slim and if it is as good be on the lookout to purchase some. Lovely razor @Monsta_AU thanks for putting it in.
Till the next shave kiddies.
Almost forgot. There are 2 large bottles of Pinaud Clubman in the box , one in a Speick container and one in a Proraso container. Does somebody have a 20 litre jar of the stuff? If none of the downstream boys mind I will be keeping one for myself.

Tootle Pip
Almost forgot. There are 2 large bottles of Pinaud Clubman in the box , one in a Speick container and one in a Proraso container. Does somebody have a 20 litre jar of the stuff? If none of the downstream boys mind I will be keeping one for myself.

Tootle Pip

No probs with me. Take and enjoy!

Nice review BTW GT.
That razor needs to be replicated. Everyone who uses it raves about it.
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Nice review BTW GT.
That razor needs to be replicated. Everyone who uses it raves about it.
Agreed, but apparently it's some Merkur head on a heavy handle…so maybe you can frankenrazor it. I can thoroughly recommend the Weber handles...