Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

Classic case of YMMV.

Anyone else used Occams besides the Travelling Box samples?

It's on tomorrow's itinerary. Do you face or bowl lather it?

The jury is still out on the pre-shave soap. Too early to make a call.
I just don't get pre-shave soaps. Can't determine any benefit they give and think they are a waste of time.
I only used the travelling box samples, but...
I wasn't too keen on the Occam's limes cream - but mainly because I was expecting a big menthol hit, and was a little disappointed that it wasn't there. I did like the original cream though, especially as it had me trying to work out what smells were in it.
I just don't get pre-shave soaps. Can't determine any benefit they give and think they are a waste of time

I'm yet to use my Occams pre shave soap so can't comment on that however I love using Proraso pre shave cream (menthol and eucalyptus). It's the only product that I have run out of twice - big jar I should add. It does seem to improve my shaves. I rinse most of it off before I lather, leaving a light wet amount on my face. Given I always shave after a shower and a good face wash, I doubt that a pre shave soap will add much for me. I realised long ago (days of my cartridge use and electric shaves) that shaving post shower was best for me.
Do you face or bowl lather it?

Face. But that's interesting as I usual bowl lather creams... I should give it a whirl in the bowl for comparison.
No, sorry Mark. Turnley's was the distributor I sourced down to too. They did confirm stocks of the Pinaud Aftershave though….
Yeah agree with @borked , might be worth asking them about bringing in some bottles of Special Reserve as they obviously have a direct line of stock.
Took the initiative and contacted Turnley's about the Special Reserve. To avoid screams of "Hijack" from the moods, please see here.
Used Occams Crushed Lime Pre-Shave Soap this morning. Shave was a tad smoother but still hard to say if its having the desired effect.

For a change I bowl lathered the Simpsons Peppermint and Rosemary Luxury Shaving Cream kindly provided by @possumbelly. Love the Peppermint fragrance. Perfect for summer. A small scoop exploded into tons of lather. Unfortunately the lather turned out to be dry and foamy (go figure!). I'm an absolutely shocker when it comes to lathering a new product for the first time so I'm confident this was not the fault of the cream. I've got into a habit of using the "dry" brush technique for lathering soaps and haven't bowl lathered a cream in ages. Obviously I shook out too much water from my brush and didn't add enough into the mixing. Sorry Possum, but fortunately I didn't use much of the sample pot so I've got plenty left to perfect this. The cream will be tried many times again over the next week.

Day 3 of the Vintage Schick blade. No nicks or cuts. Smoother shave than yesterday's. Did the Occams help? May be.

Completed the shave with a splash of the Witch Hazel Lavender (this stuff is really growing on me) and a dash of Ogallala Bay Rum Lime & Peppercorn Aftershave. The Ogallala is a contrast to the Pinaud Bay Rum Virgin Islands. Pinaud is a complex, spicy and warm, where as I find the Ogallala to be light, subtle and cooling. If you're into Bay Rums then Ogallala would be an excellent choice for the warmer summer months. The fragrance is fresh with the right amount of citrus. Not the slightest hint of burn or sting.

In tomorrow's SOTD shave I will spring a little surprise, courtesy of our resident Mr @Drubbing . No spoilers - you'll just have to tune in.
Wow. Photos, long reviews. This is great LaP!
Great reviews! The standard is set gentlemen :)
With today's shave I revisited the P160. Spurned on by Monday's poor showing and the revelation that it's the original P160, and not the Razorock version, I felt compelled to give it another go. It was a case of second time lucky. This time I attacked the cream with my tougher bristled Semogue 620 and with more loading zeal. I got a sensational lather this time. Thick and creamy. The slickness and cushioning was excellent. Quite the contrast to Monday's amatuer effort.

No Occams Pre-Shave Soap this morning. I'm slowly becoming convinced that the Occams is not aiding razor glide on my skin. There is heaps of praise for this pre-shave soap but the sentiments are not reflected in my shaves.

Popped a fresh Voskhod into a newly acquired Merkur 30C, as recommended by @Drubbing and away I went. Zipped through the shave. The Merkur is fun razor. Where as I need to take my time and care with the Weber, the 30C allows me to whiz around at all sorts of angles and still get a very good and comfortable shave. Does it replace my 34C as my favourite? No. The 34C still rules the roost, in my book anyway.

Usual splash of the Witch Hazel Lavender and rubbed in some D R Harris Arlington Milk. Now this stuff is excellent. The fragrance is subtle and wonderful on the nose. It's absorbed easily into the skin without leaving any greasy feeling. My skin felt so supple and smooth for the entire day. I went shopping online for a bottle but stopped short when I saw the price. Really good stuff though.

My thanks to everyone for their kind words of these reviews. Trying out all of this stuff and journaling my thoughts is turning out to be a real blast.
My thanks to everyone for their kind words of these reviews. Trying out all of this stuff and journaling my thoughts is turning out to be a real blast.

You're so good at it. It's great to read your thoughts. Thanks LaP!
G word and a smiley - there's sure to be a backlash.

The smiley is of course completely out of order. The use of the word gentlemen in this case, although pushing the boundaries, does in fact replace mates or youze all or some other plural form so might, ignoring the fact that there are no gentlemen here, be considered acceptable.
Thank God it's Friday!

What a great way to end the shaving week with the wonderful Taylor of Old Bond Street Mr Taylor shave cream. Hands down the BEST cream of the lot so far. The fragrance is fresh and complex. There's many things going on here and I couldn't pick up anything major but it smells GREAT. This cream is quite waxy and dense. Learning from previous evil's I shook just a bit of water from The Duke, loaded for some 15 seconds and proceeded to face lather. It lathers so effortlessly. The performance and consistency of the lather, like the fragrance, is top notch!

Second day Voshkod blade and Merkur 30C. All good here. Smooth, no nicks, no worries.

After a Witch Hazel rub, I splashed on some Myrsol Agua Balsamica, kindly supplied by @possumbelly . Smells of fresh lavender and some other florals. One of the best I have tried from the box. An hour after my shave I was working up a sweat with my running coach. 45 minutes of hard yakka training. The scent from the Myrsol still lingered after my shower! It must contain some skin conditioning properties too because my skin still felt moisturised after the workout and shower. Great choice Possum.

Weekends are my rest day so I'll be signing off until Monday. Have a nice weekend.
You loaded the Mr.T for 15 seconds? Was there any left? I dab my brush in TOBS tubs and still get way too much on there.

Mr T is probably my favourite. I bought Sandalwood this time for a change, but will replace it with Mr T when it's gone. In a year or so...
You loaded the Mr.T for 15 seconds? Was there any left? I dab my brush in TOBS tubs and still get way too much on there.

The brush hardly made an indentation on the cream. Who ever gets it next will think it hasn't been used.