Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

Has anyone heard from @filobiblic since the supposed meet ?
Now now peoples, I am sure when @filobiblic decides to post he will assure the rest of you that I am actually a completely normal type person. I do owe him an apology for not offering any refreshments as I was coming to the end of a mild health problem and not up to my sociable best. Sorry filo.
Now now peoples, I am sure when @filobiblic decides to post he will assure the rest of you that I am actually a completely normal type person. I do owe him an apology for not offering any refreshments as I was coming to the end of a mild health problem and not up to my sociable best. Sorry filo.
Haha! No worries GT. Thanks for handing over the box. [emoji6]
Is it true GT looks like a cross between Desperate Dan and a pirate?
So everyone has worked out that I've got The Box. It's bulging and overflowing with shaving goodness just waiting to be enjoyed... Lots of good smells coming from within and I hope to plumb the depths from within over the next two weeks. Bring it on!


Brush: Omega Boar (mine)
Soap/Cream: Nanny's Gentlemens Shaving Soap (Sandalwood)
Razor: 38C (mine)
Blade: Personna Med Prep
After-shave: Thayer's Lavendar Witch-hazel (alcohol free)
Scent: Floid

Wow. A great shave.

The Nanny's soap is terrific. I'll pass on the scent (Sandalwood) but the lather was fantastic. Thick, cushiony and slick. Love it! I gotta get me some of this soap (but a different scent...).

The personna blade ("Med Prep") was smooth. One tiny weeper only which stopped by the end of the shave. Lovely. I'll get me some of these!

Thayer's witch-hazel was refreshing and lovely on the skin. A great way to follow the shave. I might get me some of this...

Floid was lovely. Slight peppery scent but sweet and crisp. A true G-man's scent (@stillshunter I'm sure you'll love it!). It lasted a few hours before fading. I'll try it a few more days to decide if it'll be something I buy. My missus wasn't a fan of the scent so that may scuttle that idea... I'll try again soon.

Debating whether to skip a day and use the Pureman OC or enjoy another shave tomorrow... Oh decisions, decisions!
@filobiblic , mate, if this is the calibre of review we're up for this next fortnight then boy I'm strapped in and ready for the ride. Went quickly from ROFL, through LMAO, to simply pissing myself. Soooo many things on your shopping list mate.
@filobiblic , mate, if this is the calibre of review we're up for this next fortnight then boy I'm strapped in and ready for the ride. Went quickly from ROFL, through LMAO, to simply pissing myself. Soooo many things on your shopping list mate.

Shopping list and shopping cart are two different things altogether! We'll see how much gets purchased down the track...
@filobiblic , mate, if this is the calibre of review we're up for this next fortnight then boy I'm strapped in and ready for the ride. Went quickly from ROFL, through LMAO, to simply pissing myself. Soooo many things on your shopping list mate.

You just wait until it's your turn- ha!
Kid in a lolly shop... Alcoholic at Oktoberfest...


Brush: FS Badger (mine)
Soap/Cream: TOBS Mr Taylor's
Razor: 38C (mine)
Blade: Personna Med Prep [2]
After-shave: Arlington Milk

Couldn't top yesterday's shave. Today's was a standard shave; good, not great.

TOBS creams just don't do it for me. For me, they are good but not great. I've used a few now and I'm just not a fan. I'll pass on this. (See that @Stillsy?)

The Personna Med Prep blade continues its merry way. Smooth and enchanting.

Finished with my usual alum and aftershave balm combo. Today I used the Arlington Milk in The Box. It's got a great scent and spreads well. Felt slightly greasy to me but absorbed quickly into the skin. The scent hangs around for a while. All round a great aftershave, but not going to be a purchase for me. (Wow, did you hear that @stillshunter?!)

Now to skip a day or two to get some good length for the Pureman OC. Looking forward to it!
Another great review - looking forward to a few days time!
Loving your reviews, Filo. Early days but we seem to agree on most things except the TOBS.


Brush: Omega piggie (mine)
Soap/Cream: P160 Tipo Morbido
Razor: Pureman Open Comb
Blade: Schick Plus Platinium
Post-Shave: Alum
After-shave: Myrsol Agua Balsamica

Lots of firsts today! Gotta love this TB experience. Thanks everyone for contributing and sharing. Wow. So much fun. (The 'downside' is that there is so many great products that I never knew existed and now want! Haha!)

Starting with the soap: P160 Tipo Morbido. Wonderful lather. Creamy and smooth. I think it has a stronger almond/marzipan scent than Cella. I like it but wouldn't fork over lots of cash for it (seeing as it's so exy now). Definitely a highlight to try. Thanks @Monsta_AU

Thanks also @Monsta_AU for loaning the Pureman OC. It was my first time using an Open Comb. An interesting experience. I think I didn't get the right angle (or applied too much pressure perhaps?) as it felt a like it scraped a bit. I didn't get any weepers but it felt a little rough. It could have been the Schick; it was also a first for me. I don't know but everyone has found the OC & Schicks to be smooth. I'll try again after more growth. But boy, did the OC/Schick kill my 2 day stubble!!!! 2 passes with little clean up. Great!

My first time with Myrsol also. Love it! I felt a little 'scraped' on the neck but the Agua Balsamica took care of that. Lovely scent (herbal and floral) and it did a great job of soothing the skin. A few hours later I only had a faint whiff of the Mediterranean scent, but my skin was soft and still soothed. No rash at all. Such great 'healing' properties. I've been reading up on the Myrsol as I'd never heard of it before but now I want to try their whole range. Haha! [emoji4] Thanks @Possombelly for putting that in. I'd love to take it but I want the others to try it. This is one that I will definitely be buying... [emoji6]

Plenty still more to try in The Box...
Great review @filobiblic !!!

Yes it does mean that you end up wanting a whole lot more stuff but at least you get to try before you buy :)
Great review @filobiblic !!!

Yes it does mean that you end up wanting a whole lot more stuff but at least you get to try before you buy :)
Thanks @Mark1966!
Yeah, you do end up wanting more but you get to compare and work out what's best. So out of the four plus soaps/creams I will get to try, I'll only buy one potentially. So it'll have to be the best one. Or it means I won't buy it now, but I'll know that I like that brand and will get some if I see it cheaply.
For me, the aftershaves especially are what I've tried so few of (and there are so many!) so that's what I've really enjoyed sampling. I've enjoyed the Thayers, Arlington milk, Floid and Myrsol balsamica. But there is still the 444, Clubman, Ogallala BR and more! The European AS (especially the Myrsol) has been a highlight. I've never even heard of them before...
Thanks @Mark1966!
Yeah, you do end up wanting more but you get to compare and work out what's best. So out of the four plus soaps/creams I will get to try, I'll only buy one potentially. So it'll have to be the best one. Or it means I won't buy it now, but I'll know that I like that brand and will get some if I see it cheaply.
For me, the aftershaves especially are what I've tried so few of (and there are so many!) so that's what I've really enjoyed sampling. I've enjoyed the Thayers, Arlington milk, Floid and Myrsol balsamica. But there is still the 444, Clubman, Ogallala BR and more! The European AS (especially the Myrsol) has been a highlight. I've never even heard of them before...
Oh boy, ummm…maybe I should opt out of this travelling box business :eek: