Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

Oh boy, ummm…maybe I should opt out of this travelling box business :eek:
Nah. You don't need a Travelling Box of shaving goodies to cause you to spend... (Haven't you bought the Spieck range of products, a stf brush and Weber SS razor in the past couple of weeks? [emoji12])
Nah. You don't need a Travelling Box of shaving goodies to cause you to spend... (Haven't you bought the Spieck range of products, a stf brush and Weber SS razor in the past couple of weeks? [emoji12])
Yes :oops:
…I fear the box will make me do worse offshore (Myrsol, Pinaud, etc., etc.).
Yes :oops:
…I fear the box will make me do worse offshore (Myrsol, Pinaud, etc., etc.).
Nothing like sampling a little European and American flavours...
Starting with the soap: P160 Tipo Morbido. Wonderful lather. Creamy and smooth. I think it has a stronger almond/marzipan scent than Cella. I like it but wouldn't fork over lots of cash for it (seeing as it's so exy now). Definitely a highlight to try. Thanks @Monsta_AU

Pretty sure the P160 was all Marko's doing, but I have plenty in stock lol.

Thanks also @Monsta_AU for loaning the Pureman OC. It was my first time using an Open Comb. An interesting experience. I think I didn't get the right angle (or applied too much pressure perhaps?) as it felt a like it scraped a bit. I didn't get any weepers but it felt a little rough. It could have been the Schick; it was also a first for me. I don't know but everyone has found the OC & Schicks to be smooth. I'll try again after more growth. But boy, did the OC/Schick kill my 2 day stubble!!!! 2 passes with little clean up. Great!

The first time with a Schick might be a bit 'scrapey' if you don't get the angle right. Every blade has a different hone angle, and if you have been on 'Gillette' blade angle then t is hard to swap to a 'Schick' angle, the Personna's are different too, and the Wilkies are different but a lesser amount. The Pureman makes it easy to adjust with the longer handle though. Give it another go and vary the angle. You will feel it hit the sweet spot. I find you need a wider angle rather than a more acute angle.

Great photo of the OC there too, looks a little mean but once you tame it there is great rewards. I am kind of missing it, only so long you can go with the Fatboy/Slim in your main rotation. Common-bar NEW might get a run tomorrow.
Thanks for the advice on razor and blade @Monsta_AU. I'll give the razor and blade another few go's next week. Tomorrow is a shave free day.

And thanks to @Mark1965 for the P160 to try! [emoji4]


Brush: FS silvertip (mine)
Soap/Cream: Kiss My Face (lavender)
Razor: 38C (mine)
Blade: Personna Med Prep [3]
Post-Shave: 444 balm
After-shave: Pinaud Clubman

This was Friday's shave (no shave on Sat).

Kiss My Face cream was smooth and lathered ok, but for me lacked cushion and glide. It just didn't lather as well as the Nanny's did. IMHO it just passed...

The Personna is still going well. A good combo in the 38C. (I wonder what it'd be like in a Weber...?)

The 444 was nice. A good chill (but less than I thought). I used it like a post-shave balm- applying a little across my face. The freeze lasted a few minutes and faded. It left a slight greasiness (which probably had to do with the oil/emulsion the menthol is blended with). It'd certainly be good to have lying around to add to the odd lather or give yourself a little face freeze during Summer.

I finished with the Clubman. I don't like the scent as much as the Pinaud VI Bay Rum. But it has a nice sweetness to it. And Pinaud certainly has lasting power to their scents...

Loving the Travelling Box! [emoji4]
(Bring on the Monsta Vintage Blade Box next!!! [emoji13])
Great review Filo.

Med Preps and Weber razors are like peas and carrots. Made for each other.
Oh boy I'm really looking forward to trying out these Med Preps in my Weber
A few of my favorite modern blades have been quite ordinary in my Weber. The Med Prep, on the other hand, shines.
Oops. A bit slack with the updates. This was from a few days ago. Another shave this morning will follow close on the heels of this one.



Brush: Omega 49 (mine)
Soap/Cream: Nanny's Gentlemen's Shaving Soap (Sandalwood)
Razor: Pureman OC
Blade: Personna Med Prep [1]
Post-Shave: Thayer's Lavendar Witch-hazel (alcohol free)
After-shave: Ogalla's Bay Rum (Lime and Peppercorns)

Monday morning brought another shave from the TB2.

The Omega 49 churned up the Nanny's creating a monster amount of lather. Terrific. The scent ain't there but the soap still does its job with respect to lather.

The Med Prep in the Pureman OC skated over the stubble, demolishing it cleanly. I still haven't perfected it's technique, but I'd be happy to work on it if @Monsta_AU let me. [emoji4] I'll join the list of those hoping they end up producing these one day...

Thayer's non-alcoholic version did its trick of soothing, and the Ogalla's Bay Rum smelt the treat. No irritation for me and I love a good bay rum!
The nannys never was a strong smelling soap, but it has been in that plastic container since day one. I think you are the only person that has liked it, so I would grab it out of the box to make room.
The nannys never was a strong smelling soap, but it has been in that plastic container since day one. I think you are the only person that has liked it, so I would grab it out of the box to make room.
Haha! Me and my crazy tastes... Yeah, I live the lather from it. The scent...not so much.

I was deliberating about whether to liberate it from its travels but have hesitated as it's the only hard soap in the box. That said, it is large and takes up room in the overflowing and overweight box. If @borked and @stillshunter want to try it I'll leave it in. But I think @borked will have to make some tough decisions about what to do about lightening this bulging mass of shaving materials...


Brush: 'Pur-Tech' synthetic (mine)
Soap/Cream: Phaemosan shave cream
Razor: Progress (4)
Blade: Schick vintage [2]
Post-Shave: Arlington Milk
After-shave: Floid

Time was short this morning so rushed the shave more than I liked. No Zen this morning, but wow,what a close shave!

I decided to take @NicktheKnife 's suggestion of using the cheap synthetic brush to bowl lather. As I commented on the synthetic brush thread, it achieved a great lather after a couple of minutes.

The cream I used was from the tub labelled 'Phaemosan shave cream'. The Internet told me that it's a German shaving cream with little scent and good for those with sensitive skin. I note from the little I could read up on it, that it's good to use a little more than usual for a cream. As shared above, I had no troubles with lather. It was good lather too- a good consistency and feel. Seemed to go well but I'm not a fan of creams generally and this didn't persaude me to change that opinion.

After trying the Schick in the Pureman OC last week, I decided to use my regular razor to assess the blade itself. On a setting 4 the blade slashed my 2 day stubble after the first pass. After the second, I had a few weepers but an 'oh-so-smooth' face. Now that's amazing as I don't recall ever getting so smooth on my neck as I tend to get irritated easily. But I wasn't trying for a BBS, it was the razor sharp blade (see what I did there). Boy, I can see why the Schicks get the love they do at P&C! There are still 2 blades left for the others and I'll leave the French Gillettes also (as there are only 2). I'll wait for @Monsta_AU's vintage blade pass around...

A little greedy I know, but time is short with this box of goodies, so I applied both the Arlington milk and Floid. Leaving a gap of about 5-10 minutes between them allowed the enjoyment of the green 'bacca scent of the Arlington first, before the sweet muskiness of the Floid to come tumbling over the top to end.

A few more shaves left before I pass the box to @borked this weekend. I'll save the Simpsons and Occams Lime samplers for after I hand the box over.
Nice reviews :)
Another ripping review, Filo.

Can anyone recall the line of Floid? I want a bottle.
Another ripping review, Filo.

Can anyone recall the line of Floid? I want a bottle.

I'm no expert, but I can search the Internet!

Mensbiz have Suave and Vigoroso (150ml) for A$24 each (inc postage, not inc discount code).

Gifts & Care have Suave and Vigoroso, as well as Blue, Black, Amber and Classic. The prices range from $10.40 (150mL) to $16.60 (400mL) to $31 (400mL Blue). Then add a 10% discount and postage.

G&C would be good if there was a group (groups!) of us buying to minimise postage to Aus. But then would have to re-post or pick-up in Australia. I note that there was a P&C parcel from G&C a few years ago...
Anyone recognise this unlabelled bottle from the Travelling Box? I need to jettison stuff if possible...

Filo, mate, these reviews of yours are top-shelf. I'm a little apprehensive of my idiotic observations and limited vocabulary coming after yours. Hope @borked can help me a bit…. Fellas this Box is a great idea.
BTW: mate take whatever you want - only things I'm keen on staying in is the Arlington Milk that I dibbed, the Floid, some P160 and the Acqua di Parma.