Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

Filo, mate, these reviews of yours are top-shelf. I'm a little apprehensive of my idiotic observations and limited vocabulary coming after yours. Hope @borked can help me a bit…. Fellas this Box is a great idea.
BTW: mate take whatever you want - only things I'm keen on staying in is the Arlington Milk that I dibbed, the Floid, some P160 and the Acqua di Parma.

Nah. You'll be right. I take a photo and woffle on a bit. Just ramblings. I'm excited as you're right, it's a great idea.

The Floid should last as will the P160 and Arlington milk. (The Floid with its sweet muskiness has grown on me.) Sadly the A di P didn't make it to me. Not even a dribble left in the bottle. I would have like to try that one too as I hear lots of noise about it.

There is plenty more in the Box still: heaps of shaving creams, blades and more aftershaves. And the Pureman OC. You'll have fun. [emoji4]
Nowt to do with me, unless it is the sample whose whereabouts my doctor was asking.
That'd be the one...if you've sculled an entire bottle of aftershave for cheap thrills.
@filobiblic , maybe take a whiff and see if it smells like arko, if so forward to Eggbert's Dr Eggleston stat.
Sorry. I don't know what that substance smells like. I'm not into sniffing toxic substances, even if they are used to sanitise other toxic substances.
Nice review - FWIW I reckon that Pureman razor was sourced from an Indian manufacturer. The head is an absolute dead ringer for this one on a Matador razor.
Could well be, but in the same breath it looks similar to the Merkur 15C/25C also. I was actually holding it in my hand and looking at pictures and that was as close as I could get although some of the Parker heads also looked similar. Especially this one:


And another angle:


I will be finding a cheap Merkur and comparing, and probably a Parker/Matador now too. Until it is in the hands it can be very hard to be sure due to the angle of most of the pictures online.

I have a feeling that the Matador head is a copy of the Parkers but there is a few that look very Merkur. But you are right, looks very similar and cheap too!

In the end, I will probably get some handles made up to the current spec and one or two a bit different, test them out etc. I will probably only sell the handles, let everyone buy the razor head they want. As mentioned previously, there is a 4-piece travel razor in the Merkur range which would mean you could use it at home with the P&C/Pureman handle, then take the travel handle when travelling. Funnily enough, there looks to be almost the same thing in the Matador range!!
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Filo, mate, these reviews of yours are top-shelf. I'm a little apprehensive of my idiotic observations and limited vocabulary coming after yours. Hope @borked can help me a bit…. Fellas this Box is a great idea.
BTW: mate take whatever you want - only things I'm keen on staying in is the Arlington Milk that I dibbed, the Floid, some P160 and the Acqua di Parma.
*drags knocks upon said ground* hurrr *grunts*
I have a feeling that the Matador head is a copy of the Parkers but there is a few that look very Merkur. But you are right, looks very similar and cheap too!

In the end, I will probably get some handles made up to the current spec and one or two a bit different, test them out etc. I will probably only sell the handles, let everyone buy the razor head they want. As mentioned previously, there is a 4-piece travel razor in the Merkur range which would mean you could use it at home with the P&C/Pureman handle, then take the travel handle when travelling. Funnily enough, there looks to be almost the same thing in the Matador range!!

I think you're on the right track - obviously Parker and 'Matador' are both Indian made. Indians are many things but silly is not one of them and if you're starting a mass production company of cheapish cast razors whats the most logical way to do this? Design everything from scratch thinking you know something others in the market don't? Nah, just buy the entire range of the segment leader (Merkur) and make copies of their models - perhaps modifying some minor details but nothing is covered by patents (dunno if that is much of an obstacle in India) so all of a sudden you've got some great designs that work very well.

Thats clearly what Lord did with their L6 Premium (Merkur 34c head) and countless other makers have copied old Gillette designs. I'd do the same thing myself, get a proven head design and have your point of difference in the handle/price point etc.
Travelling Box has travelled again! It's now safely in the hands of @borked who is chauffeuring it home as we type.
Oh boy, you OK @filobiblic ? Are all the stories about @borked true?

Wow the home-stretch. I believe I am next in line. Please don't be in a hurry as I'm not back home until a little over a fortnight. Fly out this Tuesday and back in Sunday 26 October.
Oh boy, you OK @filobiblic ? Are all the stories about @borked true?

Stories? [emoji15]
Better not insult the man, otherwise he'll post it straight to @Mark1966. Then it'll be another beer to add to the 6 pack you already owe each other...

Wow the home-stretch. I believe I am next in line. Please don't be in a hurry as I'm not back home until a little over a fortnight. Fly out this Tuesday and back in Sunday 26 October.

Shaveapocolypse will have happened by then...
*The eagle has landed, I repeat, the eagle has landed, after a night on the town*
Yeah boys, finally... a bit of class, I entertained it before seeking permission for all areas access to it's wonders.
It currently lays exposed and spread upon the lounge room floor, beckoning my attention.

@stillshunter care to share said stories ?
I love a good fable :)

As for @filobiblic his household was lucky enough to experience a discontinued fragrance, my signature cologne.
I'm actually curious as to his opinion after the top notes faded and the middle/base note presented themselves.

@kjparker are you still interested in experiencing bloomin' box of bounty ?
The 444 was nice. A good chill (but less than I thought). I used it like a post-shave balm- applying a little across my face. The freeze lasted a few minutes and faded. It left a slight greasiness (which probably had to do with the oil/emulsion the menthol is blended with). It'd certainly be good to have lying around to add to the odd lather or give yourself a little face freeze during Summer.

the 444 is not a regular balm. Never meant to be squeezed on and used neat, it's too concentrated. You mix it with a bit of aftershave or witch hazel. It's really there for the extra glycerin and menthol. Some even squeeze a bit in their aftershave bottles
the 444 is not a regular balm. Never meant to be squeezed on and used neat, it's too concentrated. You mix it with a bit of aftershave or witch hazel. It's really there for the extra glycerin and menthol. Some even squeeze a bit in their aftershave bottles
Thanks Drubbing. I'm a bit ignorant! Haha!
got a couple of tubes of 444 in my G&C cart too, so big thumbs up on the heads up
Final Thoughts

Thanks all for the Travelling Box (#2) - it was great fun! Thanks to @Mark1966 for organising and putting it together. Thanks also for adding me to the lineup... :D

Highlights were trying the many different aftershaves. I've never really gotten into the alcohol based AS. My old man didn't use them (electric - arrrghhh!!!) and I've never tried many before.
I especially enjoyed the Myrsol Agua Balsamica (thanks @possumbelly) and Floid (thanks @JugV2). The Floid grew on me and I loved the healing affect by the Myrsol AB. Watch that acquisitions thread...

Out of the soaps and creams I liked the P160, the Nanny's hard soap (the scent sucked but the lather was great) and the Simpsons luxury cream. The scent of the Simpsons cream - Peppermint and Rosemary - was terrific. Wow! (Is that real peppermint?!? It sure smells and feels like it- different from the menthol. I must say the performance was very good as well. One of the best creams I have tried. I'd already tried (and like) the Occam's Original, and will try the Lime later.

The vintage Schick blade is still going! Impressive and very sharp. (I definitely see why the peanut gallery here love them so much!) Out of the modern blades I discovered that the Med Preps (Blue Personnas) work well for me.

The Pureman OC was a nice razor. A lovely balance to the handle and a nice smooth head. I could tell I didn't have the best technique down pat (it was my first OC) but I'd love to pick one up if @Monsta_AU does arranges something...

To an overflowing box (seriously, it couldn't shut when I gave it to @borked!) I added several tubes of Godrej shaving cream and restocked the Voskhods. I took the Nanny's soap and a few other blades to try. I left @borked to work out what to do with the box...

Overall it was a terrific learning opportunity. I loved the experience. Thanks again everyone!