Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

No one is to know. It's sold as a balm, but the tube is so small, most people would say how the fuck is this supposed to last a week? It's an oddity product.
It may be an oddity, but it's a darn good idea! Now I know what it is meant for it makes perfect sense. Thanks again for letting me know. I'll try to acquire some to spike my own AS...
Firsts, so many firsts I'm not sure where to start.
After sorting through, taking out the samples generously left for me to try (thank you and a big shout out to @Occams and others that have supplied enough samples for everyone to try them at their own leisure) and consolidating a few items to reduce the mass (to which I will further consolidate as the time comes to move this box onto the next recipient) I've culled a few items that I've already tried/own and have a smaller box of items I've not tried, that I endeavour to work through (boss, I think overtime may be required with the diversity of this job :p )
Ended up deciding to dive in head first and run with some classics.

Pureman OC was a given and I look forward to experimenting with this further over the week or two, despite a few weapers around the lower neck and Adam's apple.
It surprised me how efficient it is between mild when exercising gay abandon/speed and aggressive considering it's faced 3 days growth in preparation.

Schick Plus Platinum was to console me for the one's that have gone missing, will try it in my slim tomorrow for a comparison.

P160, just had to due to the hype, interesting, yet a bit of a burn in the later stages of the shave (3rd pass) yet think that may be due to it being too dry at that stage, will try it again tomorrow with more moisture.
I also noted an unpleasant scent near the end beyond the marzipan, so will see if that's due to it drying out as well.

My silvertip Thater was the chosen weapon used to load up the P160, still impresses me and has reasonable backbone and softness/flop (when twisted and pushed down simultaneously, it didn't just splay like the whore of Babylon, yet twisted as well as partially splayed)

444, well I used less than the Nivea ASB I'm currently used and still was punched by a snowman, hellllllooooooo menthol hit :D
It's about 30 minutes after and my face still feels slightly numb, with no irritation.
An initial aroma of the non aniseed side of Bonjela/Sedagel is there for my nasal palette before the menthol overpowers it.
I look forward to experimenting with my menthol crystals after this.

Tomorrow will most likely see my slim shady hit up the S+P, with Thater called up again to load P160 with more hydration and compare.
Less 444 will be used most likely to compare an even more frugal approach and it's effectiveness.
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Firsts, so many firsts I'm not sure where to start.
After sorting through, taking out the samples generously left for me to try (thank you and a big shout out to @Occams and others that have supplied enough samples for everyone to try them at their own leisure) and consolidating a few items to reduce the mass (to which I will further consolidate as the time comes to move this box onto the next recipient) I've culled a few items that I've already tried/own and have a smaller box of items I've not tried, that I endeavour to work through (boss, I think overtime may be required with the diversity of this job :p )
Ended up deciding to dive in head first and run with some classics.

Pureman OC was a given and I look forward to experimenting with this further over the week or two, despite a few weapers around the lower neck and Adam's apple.
It surprised me how efficient it is between mild when exercising gay abandon/speed and aggressive considering it's faced 3 days growth in preparation.

Schick Plus Platinum was to console me for the one's that have gone missing, will try it in my slim tomorrow for a comparison.

P160, just had to due to the hype, interesting, yet a bit of a burn in the later stages of the shave (3rd pass) yet think that may be due to it being too dry at that stage, will try it again tomorrow with more moisture.
I also noted an unpleasant scent near the end beyond the marzipan, so will see if that's due to it drying out as well.

My silvertip Thater was the chosen weapon used to load up the P160, still impresses me and has reasonable backbone and softness/flop (when twisted and pushed down simultaneously, it didn't just splay like the whore of Babylon, yet twisted as well as partially splayed)

444, well I used less than the Nivea ASB I'm currently used and still was punched by a snowman, hellllllooooooo menthol hit :D
It's about 30 minutes after and my face still feels slightly numb, with no irritation.
An initial aroma of the non aniseed side of Bonjela/Sedagel is there for my nasal palette before the menthol overpowers it.
I look forward to experimenting with my menthol crystals after this.

Tomorrow will most likely see my slim shady hit up the S+P, with Thater called up again to load P160 with more hydration and compare.
Less 444 will be used most likely to compare an even more frugal approach and it's effectiveness.
It's like Christmas has come early...
And my face has lapped up the 444 like a $2 lizard in a truckers stop, completely dry.
As for the weapers, it smacked them for six, stopped them in their tracks.
I do regularly use an ASB btw, so it is not devoid of moisture to begin with.
No shave today, no time sadly and last nights was not the most comfortable I've ever had.
Going to try something different soap wise and come back to the P160, as I think it's my lather building technique that's the issue here.
The fruigal approach to 444 worked, yet the hit was nowhere as intense and didn't last as long, nor did the numbness.
It still stopped a few weapers quickly though.
Am impressed by 444 thus far.
Terrible terrible shave :(
Utterly disappointed.
Barely managed a full wtg, xtg and atg were irritation/tugging central, so rather than persist and tear my face up, I made do and move on in anticipation for tomorrow.

Pureman OC was back on the menu, as I want more shave time to evaluate and form an overall opinion.
Sadly due to what at this stage, I'm assuming is the blade, it was wasted time.

Astra Stainless Steel (blue) bloody terrible, irritated xtg and tugged atg.
I started with it's big brother Astra Platinum (green) so was expecting big things from it, in that of a sharper blade, just that didn't last as long, so am bitterly disappointed with it's lacklustre performance.
A huge difference in performance, one that I'd be surprised if the most weathered and hardened face couldn't detect.

Occams original straight up, not a fan of the scent, yet there's a sneaking suspicion that it may be a scent that grows upon you, like Arko!!! tends to.
Lathered impressively well, yet due to what I suspect is a dud blade, I was not able to assess it's cushion/glide factors.

My shedamatic (Vie Long) was the chosen weapon used to load up the Occams Original, don't know why I persist with the thing, more hair from the brush than the blade was removing xtg or atg!
It did lather up the Occams nicely though and one day I will get a horse hair brush that doesn't malt!

Pinaud Clubman Virgin Islands Bay Rum, ok.
Stung when sparingly applied, yet settled down quickly.
Scent I don't think is my thing though, yet there is lingering evidence of it 20 minutes after application.

Tomorrow will be pretty much the same as above, yet my slim shady will be called to duty, either with the Schick+P, or the Astra SS
I found myself a bit raw after the first shave on an Astra SS recently. The second one was better but not great, and it was due to be thrown at the end of the third.

May I suggest that you throw in a known good blade from your own stash into the Pureman, along with a soap/cream you know well and can get a consistent result from. Keep everything as controlled as you can, and just let the razor shine.

I would be throwing a PermaSharp, GBE or Silver Blue into it - the type of blade I pretty much always get a good shave from. I find the Vintage blades can be a little bitey in the Pureman when you aren't used to it.
I found myself a bit raw after the first shave on an Astra SS recently. The second one was better but not great, and it was due to be thrown at the end of the third.

May I suggest that you throw in a known good blade from your own stash into the Pureman, along with a soap/cream you know well and can get a consistent result from. Keep everything as controlled as you can, and just let the razor shine.

I would be throwing a PermaSharp, GBE or Silver Blue into it - the type of blade I pretty much always get a good shave from. I find the Vintage blades can be a little bitey in the Pureman when you aren't used to it.
From my experience I agree. It's always better to test something new with what you already know well. I'm taking delivery of @JugV2's pet beast tomorrow and I'll be using a known blade that performs well for me, along with a known soap that always produces a rich, thick lather.
I agree also that the vintage blade nips a bit in the Pureman. They are beautiful in a known razor though.
Terrible terrible shave :(
Simply put, am frustrated.
Didn't manage a decent wtg, xtg or atg.
All were irritation/tugging central, so rather than persist and tear my face up further and a desire to see if it's the blade or cream, I sacraficed a layer of skin and hit it with the Schick+P.

Slim Shady was back on the menu, as I want to compare the Astra SS between the two razors.
With no discernible improvement over yesterday, the Pureman OC get a reprieve and will be called back to duty after a few days off.

Astra Stainless Steel (blue) got a more than fair run before being ditched to complete with a Schick+P.
Could not recommend this blade at all, nothing about it is even remotely impressive from my experience.

Occams Original still not sure about the scent, yet there's still a sneaking suspicion that it may be a scent that grows upon you, like Arko!!! tends to.
Lathered impressively well, yet due to a dud blade, I was not able to reasonably assess it's cushion/glide factors.

Shedamatic (Vie Long) horse hair was the chosen weapon again for consistency.

Gillette AfterShave Gel Artic Ice was called into duty, which it sometimes does after a particularly irritating shave and/or weepers are present, as to which both were in abundance.
Hardly any sting considering the level of open wounds/irritation despite being liberally applied and settled down quickly into a nice chilled afterglow.
I think I've finished this and probably would actually buy it again, which is something considering it's been going since I last used a cartridge (to which I retired for electric, then traditional, so gives you an idea of how long it's lasted) !

Tomorrow will be a day off for the face to recover.
Pureman OC will be called up as a minimum.
the Box is a great way to decide what you like and what you don't!
Borked, it's a shame to hear that you didn't get along with the Astra SS. One of my favourite blades. Did you find them to be sharper than the greens, or was that part of why they were disappointing?
Borked, it's a shame to hear that you didn't get along with the Astra SS. One of my favourite blades. Did you find them to be sharper than the greens, or was that part of why they were disappointing?
It tugged and irritated, so I can only speculate it's perceived sharpness was lacking.
Today's post.... brought to you by generous folks before my receipt of said box.


Implement of hair removal good enough for a Bond movie.



After Shave

After the experience with Astra SS
these French Gilettes leave you wanting to
out of joy .
They are dammed good blades.
Phaemosan lathers ok, yet the smell is not for me, too medicinal.
The D.R Harris Arlington Aftershave Milk is pleasantly scented, has a stink when applied and I will endeavour to try it at least once more before having to pass it on.
Stink = sting btw :S
Today's post, brought to you you by political correctness!


Razor (image stolen from



After Shave

This French Gillette didn't fare as well in the open comb Pureman .
I'm starting to think my beard is made of wire due to what others find decent combinations, I struggle with.
Not the best shave from the Pureman OC and not sure if it is my technique, it being due to open combs design or purely due to it being a Pureman.
Guess when I try the R41 I will have more experience to evaluate and compare.
The Godrej cream has a nice menthol kick to it and ok scent and lather.
I look forward to trying the tube I've been donated further now I know it's one and the same.
Myrsol, hmm, the scent did more for me before applied to my skin.
Think it will be a pass for me. (edit definitely a pass, it's made my face spot up with microscopic weepers that were not there before application and really not a fan of a smell I associate with hospital grade cleaners).